NewsFebruary 25, 2025

Stoddard County seeks to renew a sales tax to fund vital infrastructure projects. If approved, the tax will support road and bridge improvements, and enhance the sheriff's department and jail facilities.

Community leaders from around Stoddard County were out Monday to attend the county commission meeting and learn more about plans for a sales tax measure that will be on the April ballot.
Community leaders from around Stoddard County were out Monday to attend the county commission meeting and learn more about plans for a sales tax measure that will be on the April ballot. Dexter Statesman/Sherman Smith

BLOOMFIELD — On Monday, the Stoddard County commissioners shared their intent to spend potential tax revenue generated from the county-wide sales tax that will be on the ballot in April.

The citizens of Stoddard County are being asked to renew a county-wide sales tax of one-half of one percent set to expire on Dec. 31. If voters approve the capitol improvements ballot question, then commissioners will need to address infrastructure improvements through fiscal management of new sales tax revenue.

Standing room only was available at the Monday meeting. Township leaders and officials were on hand to see how this new revenue may benefit them.

If passed, the newly repurposed tax will be used for the purposes of construction, maintenance and improvements to roads and bridges, and for construction, maintenance and improvements to the Stoddard County Sheriff’s Department and jail, according to ballot language. If approved, this tax will never end unless otherwise repealed by the qualified voters of Stoddard County.

The commission discussed allocating the following:

• Gravel allocation, 20% of the sales tax revenue will be spent on gravel to be distributed equally per mile.

• Bridge allocation, 50% of the sales tax revenue will be spent on bridges.

• Roadside drainage allocation, 10% of the sales tax revenue will be spent to address flooding issues and travel impediments.

• Sheriff’s office allocation, 10% of the sales tax revenue will be spent for maintenance, upkeep and necessary improvements to the sheriff’s office and jail.

• Reserve fund allocation, 10% of the sales tax revenue will be held in reserve to address unforeseen or additional needs.

It was learned the county still owes over $2 million for the jail.

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis said, “This money will not be used to pay off the existing debt on the jail.”

Officials from Elk, Liberty, Pike, Castor, New Lisbon and Duck Creek townships were asked to prioritize bridge and road projects for possible improvements in the near future.
