A book fair at Dexter elementary schools saw more than $25,000 in sales, the Dexter School Board was told at its February meeting, where they approved a redemption for the 2020 bond issue and made several personnel moves at its February meeting.
Representatives for the Parent Teacher Organization informed the board that Southwest and Central elementary schools sold over $25,000 at the book fair in February. This earned over $6,000 for the schools.
Retired teachers, grandparents, parents, and older siblings made time to join the district throughout the week during the sale, according to board reports. The PTO representatives expressed their gratitude for the continued support from the district and community.
The board approved the summer school dates of May 22-June 19, for the upcoming summer school session. The board also approved the finalized budget for the 2024-25 school year.
The board then approved a resolution authorizing the redemption of $300,000 principal amount of the general obligation bond series from 2020. The board then approved the publication of the notice of redemption.
Superintendent Amy James said the current enrollment in the district is 2,011 students.
James said the district continues to move forward with the goals outlined in the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan and with the implementation of the District Continues Improvement program. She said the district is on target to meet the goals outlined in its plan.
James said she met with the Regional Professional Development Center and completed the implementation of the checklist for the year. The district met all professional development requirements of the checklist.
James said the district will be administering the district-wide survey in the spring and working towards the requirements for round two of CSIP.
The food service department is also undergoing an on-site review this school year. As part of this review, the district evaluated Dexter’s wellness program. The wellness program includes nutrition education, physical activity, food safety, the eating environment and other school-based activities, James explained. On the evaluation tool, 123 points were possible and the district scored 115. The on-site visit will take place March 4-6.
The following items were approved during executive session:
• The following substitutes for the 2024-25 school year: Payton Phelan, Twyla Smythia (nurse), Destinee Adams, Macy Webb, Brooke Brown and Magi McBride.
• The transfer of Katie Walters from special services aide to ECSE Aide as of Aug. 16.
• Resignations, retirements, and/or resignations effective at the conclusion of the 2024-25 school year: Ashlyn Bruce, second grade teacher; Kris Chamberlain, high school social studies teacher; Summer Crowder, middle school ELA teacher; Katrina Prance, ECSE teacher; and Sheri Ratliff, building aide at Central.
• Hiring the following individuals: Kyla Propst for Central Elementary; Alyssa Frizzell for Central Elementary; Eva Hocking, high school social studies, replacing critical shortage; Rachel Jones, FACS/VOC, replacing Shelly Culp; Justin Peden, high school social studies, replacing Kris Chamberlain; Dan McCoy, middle school assistant track coach (effective during the 2024-25 school year); Jennifer Peden, high school special education; and Amanda Ayers, middle school art for the 2025-26 school year. The hires are pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification.
• Extended the contracts, through the 2026-27 school year, for: Gavin Miller, assistant superintendent; and Jessica Lambert, director of special services.