NewsMay 31, 2019

Harold Hart of Bell City along with
Stoddard County Conservation Agent Michael Collins hold up a large
Harold Hart of Bell City along with Stoddard County Conservation Agent Michael Collins hold up a large catfish.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Members of the Stoddard County
Ambulance District on hand for the event from left: Jamie Holcomb,
Jordan Adams,  Stoddard County Conservation Agent Michael Collins,
Michael Pulley and James Martin.
Members of the Stoddard County Ambulance District on hand for the event from left: Jamie Holcomb, Jordan Adams, Stoddard County Conservation Agent Michael Collins, Michael Pulley and James Martin.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Lee Bowen, USMC Ret., (left) and
Chaplain Lester Barker, U.S. Army Ret. pause for a photo before the
Lee Bowen, USMC Ret., (left) and Chaplain Lester Barker, U.S. Army Ret. pause for a photo before the meal.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Dee Wamble (left) and Maxine Shell were
two of the Kenady-Hanks American Legion Auxiliary Unit 59 on hand
preparing desserts.
Dee Wamble (left) and Maxine Shell were two of the Kenady-Hanks American Legion Auxiliary Unit 59 on hand preparing desserts.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Volunteer Kourtney Brown breads fish
before sending it to the fryer.
Volunteer Kourtney Brown breads fish before sending it to the fryer.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Volunteers pictured from left Linda
Harris, Jenny Brown, Jackie Bevill and Sherry Whaley cook the hush
puppies before the fish fry.
Volunteers pictured from left Linda Harris, Jenny Brown, Jackie Bevill and Sherry Whaley cook the hush puppies before the fish fry.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
story image illustation
 Gus Gockel from the Cape Veterans Home
holds up his fish.
Gus Gockel from the Cape Veterans Home holds up his fish.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Yvonne Sale of Cape Girardeau pauses
for a photo.
Yvonne Sale of Cape Girardeau pauses for a photo.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
Dale Garrett (left) and Jim Aikley both
of Poplar Bluff  enjoy the morning.
Dale Garrett (left) and Jim Aikley both of Poplar Bluff enjoy the morning.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Chaplain Lester Barker Poses, U.S. Army
Ret. Poses for a photo with veteran James Beaird.
Chaplain Lester Barker Poses, U.S. Army Ret. Poses for a photo with veteran James Beaird.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
World War II Vet Cloyd Cook sits down
by the water.
World War II Vet Cloyd Cook sits down by the water.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Cletius Meadows of Poplar Bluff enjoyed
both the weather and fishing.
Cletius Meadows of Poplar Bluff enjoyed both the weather and fishing.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Debbie Ash of Puxico holds up the
catfish she had just reeled in.
Debbie Ash of Puxico holds up the catfish she had just reeled in.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
story image illustation
story image illustation
 Jessie Barnes of Bernie waits patiently
for his first fish.
Jessie Barnes of Bernie waits patiently for his first fish.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
story image illustation
 Photo courtesy of American Legion
Chaplain Lester Barker Jr. 

Some members of the Missouri
Conservation Department noticed a problem: this sign indicated no
fishing was allowed at the cemetery. However the agents decided to
waive the no fishing regulation for the day.
Photo courtesy of American Legion Chaplain Lester Barker Jr. Some members of the Missouri Conservation Department noticed a problem: this sign indicated no fishing was allowed at the cemetery. However the agents decided to waive the no fishing regulation for the day.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
 Chaplain Lester Barker, U.S. Army Ret.
leads the prayer before the meal.
Chaplain Lester Barker, U.S. Army Ret. leads the prayer before the meal.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers

A veterans fishing day was held Friday morning at the Missouri Veterans Cemetery at Bloomfield. The Kenady – Hanks American Legion Post 59 and Auxiliary in Dexter, Missouri Conservation Department, Stoddard County Ambulance and numerous volunteers made this day possible. Approximately 60 veterans were on hand from around Southeast Missouri. More than 120 took part in a fish fry after a morning of fishing. All fish caught were released back into the water.
