NewsFebruary 20, 2025

Charlotte Wechsler, a blind woman, experiences a miraculous encounter while crossing a busy street, highlighting the unseen protection and assistance that many believe God provides in our daily lives.

Tim Richards
story image illustation

Charlotte Wechsler was blind and lived on a dead-end street. She used a white cane when she took walks, but had little confidence in her use of it. Despite that, she felt safe walking in her immediate neighborhood, since there was little traffic.

However, a major street with heavy traffic was one block away and she did not feel confident walking there.

Wechsler vividly remembers the day she went on her first spring walk after being cooped up for most of the winter. She decided to cross the busy intersection at the end of her block.

On previous walks she would wait for a kind person’s help. On this day no one stopped to help her cross the street for quite some time.

While this could have been frustrating; the weather was delightful, and she was not in a hurry.

As she waited, Wechsler hummed a pleasant tune, and eventually a polite man said, “You sound like a very cheerful person.

“May I have the pleasure of your company across the street?” Wechsler was flattered and quickly said “Yes.”

Her polite walking partner gently tucked his hand around her upper arm and the two stepped off the curb together. As they slowly crossed the street, they discussed the beautiful weather and thoroughly enjoyed their pleasant conversation.

They were nearly across the street when horns began blaring.

The honking did not deter them and the two soon reached the other side. Wechsler was about to thank the kind gentleman but he spoke first, “I don’t know if you realize how gratifying it is to find someone as cheerful as you to help a blind man like me cross the street.” (Yitta Halberstam and Judith Leventhal, Small Miracles, PP 32-33).

I am convinced God protects all of us and suspect most of the time we are unaware of his assistance.

Still, there are times when we glimpse his protection. God may have sent an angel to protect Wechsler and her blind friend as they crossed that busy street.

King David experienced God’s protection many times. During one of those, he penned these words, “For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.” (Psalm 34:7, NLT)

I do not know what you currently need; however, I know God frequently uses others to help us, and on occasion sends an angel.

Though we rarely recognize God’s help, that does not mean he is unaware of our needs or unwilling to help us. Each of us should be alert to the fact that God is protecting us even when we fail to see it.

Tim Richards grew up in Fairdealing and previously served as associate pastor of Pilgrim’s Rest Church there. He currently serves as a pastor on the staff of Concord Church in South County St. Louis.
