OtherJanuary 21, 2025

So many people think that evangelism is just for the person who holds the mic in their hand or who introduce themselves with certain titles, but true evangelism is within us all.

The mission of the church is to make disciples and expand the Kingdom of God. Evangelism and making disciples go hand in hand. There is a call for evangelism in these last days like never before and we must understand the importance of having the church continue to go outside the four walls and into the marketplace

We are all called to be a part of spreading the good news of the gospel. We should be painting a picture so vividly in this world whether it be the young girl in junior high chatting with her friends about believing in Jesus Christ or the male athlete who can talk to his team about his Christian faith just as fluently as he talks and cuts up with them about sports. It is the assembly-line worker who can talk about Jesus without others thinking he is fanatic or weird or the banker you know in another state who tells others how Jesus changed his life over a cup of coffee at a business meeting.

This is what our faith should look like, yet most remain silent.

So many don’t have the boldness to talk about their faith in areas that are not the church, but why not? Those are the places that must be reached.

Every day people are truly most effective in reaching all kinds of different people from different backgrounds, religions and upbringings. Schooling is wonderful to have in learning the Word of God and effectively teaching it, yet no one needs schooling to evangelize Christ and a testimony, and that is what is so very special. You evangelize and then send them to a shepherd.

Imagine the young child talking about Jesus on the playground. Or the law enforcement officer taking the time to share his faith and story with someone he arrested right before taking him in, and the lawyer taking a break from the courtroom to go to lunch with a colleague who is having a hard time and needed a friend, not knowing the impact of what having a friend in Jesus can do and will do for your life.

This is what evangelism should look like in the marketplace and every day places where every day people live.

It is important to add that while outside the four walls are important, inside the walls are just as important as well.

Inside the walls is where we get our marching orders, where we hear the Word of God, build our faith, learn how to serve and be a leader, and join together in fellowship so that when we leave the building, we will know how discipleship should look and feel every day we wake up, go to work, take care of our children, help our community, and love our families.

Here is where the problem arises though. How is it that believers can do an excellent job with creating groups and programs within the church and be bold in talking about Christ, but as soon as they get in the community around others who don’t go to church with them or who are different than them and may not know of Christ, they freeze up or turn away and not be so open about their faith? Where did your boldness go and why is it hiding?

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”

It is time to stop hiding and let your light shine. Everyone, Everywhere, Every day!

Amber M. Brown is an evangelist, spiritual motivator and a traveling evangelist out of Poplar Bluff. She is the founder/CEO of Rise To The Mission International, the author of 2017 release, “Rise To The Mission,” as well as the co-author of 2020 release, “Shaking Hands with Wisdom.”

She works full-time for a non-for-profit, certified community behavioral health organization and is extensively involved in public relations and community networking in the mental health field. Brown always encourages others to never count themselves
