Nearly $2 million in bids were approved Monday by the Dexter Board of Aldermen, covering everything from water and sewer improvements to resurfacing of a taxiway at the airport.
Aldermen accepted a bid of $672,025 from CR Contracting for the construction water and sewer improvements. This project will include Novella Street, south of the Breaktime parking lot, a portion of the western end of Business 60 and a lift station near the new hotel.
The fourth accepted a bid of $597,461.40 from Roper Excavating for the construction of drainage improvements. The project will cover Dexter Creek from Stoddard Street to Highway 114, Market Street from Southern Bank to One Mile Road and north of West Park to Hope Drive.
The fifth ordinance accepted a bid of $203,797 from Causey Companies to resurface and repaint the taxiway at the airport.
The final ordinance accepted a bid of $465,570 from Persons and Sons to build a new lift station near the water treatment plant.
The March began with a public hearing. The purpose of the hearing was to rezone a lot on South Elm Street from C-1 (General Business District) to R-2 (Multi-Family Residential). The owner is looking to build a duplex. No citizens spoke at the hearing and the board approved the rezoning of the lot.
Another ordinance approved by the aldermen changed the city’s policy on advertising bids. The ordinance will allow the city to advertise bids on its website and/or a legal newspaper.
Alderman Tim Aslin asked if the ordinance would violate state law which requires a job that cost above a certain amount to be advertised in a legal newspaper. According to the amount is $10,000. The ordinance will require the city to advertise jobs that cost $5,000 or more on its website and/or in a legal newspaper.
City Administrator Dave Wyman said this could be used for the projects that require bids but are less expensive. Others would still go in the newspaper. The city also has joined an Association of General Contractors where the city has advertised some recent jobs. Wyman said one job received nine bids.
Dexter Executive Chamber Director Alisha Trammell was unable to attend the meeting but submitted a report to Wyman prior to the meeting. In the report, she informed the board of upcoming events.
Wyman read from the report and said the Top 10 Percent Banquet, which the chamber holds in conjunction with Dexter High School, will be held March 10 at the high school.
Wyman said the annual Chamber Awards Banquet will be held March 28 at 6 p.m. at The Meadows. RSVPs for the event need to be received by March 14.
Brewin Business will also be held from 7:30-8:30 a.m. March 14 at the Stars and Stripes Museum in Bloomfield. At noon March 19, a ribbon cutting will be held at Hubbards Jewelry to celebrate the business’ 75th anniversary.
The Dexter Leadership Program will begin March 20. The tours held during the program will be at the depot, Keller Public Library, Dexter Parks and Recreation, the water department and Dexter Municipal Airport.
As part of the report, Wyman said the Dexter baseball team will play Notre Dame Regional High School at Busch Stadium in St. Louis on April 2 following the Cardinals game.
An open house will be held March 17 in the meeting chamber at the Dexter Municipal Building. At the open house, two subjects will be covered. The first is Dexter’s Safe Streets for All program. The was started to evaluate several intersections as well as possible locations for railroad overpasses. There will be displays for the public to view.
It will also discuss updated building and fire codes and get public input.
He said he has been working with the city’s code enforcer. They have been evaluating building permit applications as well as going through the city to locate eyesore sheds that need to be addressed. Wyman said 27 have been found. Also, 82 properties have been listed that have damaged limbs from past storms hanging precariously in the trees.
A discussion was held regarding whether to hold the city’s spring cleanup in April. During this time, the city deploys dumpsters in each ward for a two-week period. After a discussion, it was decided to hold the cleanup but reduce it to one week to reduce the cost of renting the dumpsters. The dates were not announced.
Dexter Police Chief Hank Trout said the department has applied for two grants through the Missouri Department of Transportation. Hank asked Mayor Mark Snider to appoint Tiffany Patterson to the Dexter Police Department as an officer. Snider appointed Patterson and the board confirmed the appointment.
Dexter Fire Chief Don Seymore said FEMA projects are underway and bidding of the Sugar Plum Park project is underway.
Seymour also said there have been 12 structure fires so far this year including 11 in Dexter. He said this number is higher than usual.
Snider appointed Bennetta Harrellson, Alma Smith and Marissa Mills to the tree board. He also appointed Noreen Hyslop to the Housing Authority and Fair Housing Committee. The board approved the appointments.
The board granted temporary liquor licenses to El Cabrito and Whiskey Wagon for the Grille It Up event.