NewsApril 28, 2014

Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren
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Noreen Hyslop and Dawn Warren

Central Elementary students in Dexter were encouraged to bring change for the school's Relay for Life fundraiser recently. In each classroom was a bucket in the lobby each morning where students were encouraged to drop coins. The classrooms raising the most funds earned the opportunity to throw a makeshift pie in the teacher's face on Friday, April 25, 2014. In third grade, the winner was Kendra Ward's class with $864.47 raised. The fourth grade winner was Kristen Mick's classroom with $477.82, and in fifth grade, the winer was Jennifer Bolin's classroom. Her students raised $1,150.85. The total amount of $2,493 will be donated to the upcoming Relay for Life event which will be Friday, May 2 at East City Park.
