October 8, 2024

Blessings, Beloved! This week we must understand our responsibility in these last days as Leaders in this community and the standards that God has for us. Luke 10:2 says, ‘the harvest is great, but the labourers are few.” Leadership is not about the position; it’s about rising and becoming the product of your mission. ...

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Blessings, Beloved! This week we must understand our responsibility in these last days as Leaders in this community and the standards that God has for us. Luke 10:2 says, ‘the harvest is great, but the labourers are few.” Leadership is not about the position; it’s about rising and becoming the product of your mission. It is about filling a vacancy and keeping the flow of God moving and in operation at the level in which God intended. The road less traveled tends to be the roughest because not many have conquered it, but the greatness of those that have made it to the end is that they live to tell it.

We can have what we believe, and God’s people are emerging in this last hour and their response to what God is doing will change the face of Discipleship as we know it. Increasing in strength and growing in stature, God’s spirit is pouring out on all flesh who are hungry and thirsty for a move of God, and fear of what is coming in the natural world cannot be what hinders you spiritually. You can no longer live on the fence of God’s Word. We cannot pursue both temporal and eternal in the Kingdom as Leaders who are truly making a difference and challenging those around them.

It is like holding two horses galloping in opposite directions. Sooner or later, you must let go of one. It is never comfortable or natural to treasure the invisible over the visible, what you can’t see over what you can, the promises of God over the promises of the world, the things that will not be fulfilled until the return of Christ over the things the world says you can have right now. Yet, the scriptures tell us that the only time security comes is from abandoning the illusion of control and surrendering ourselves unswervingly to the person and the purposes of God.

When you let go of the world, you must learn a completely new life. Many of you have lived in the flesh for so long you don’t even know who you are in the spirit and what you are capable of in the Kingdom. God is prophetically reconstructing the church by his word. His word in you is the very best part of you. Now is the time where we must get back to our first love and our reason for continuing to wake up every morning. I wonder how many of us have been held back because we are too scared to be bold in the face of adversity.

This is the hour you must find your voice again, period. A time of transition for the body of Christ into transformation. God’s Word must come out of your mouth, and you must get up and take action. Your inability to let the past go, to flow with change, to let go of tradition and religion, has put a pause on your anointing and has caused your ability to lead to become dim and stagnant. It is not about where you have been, it is about where you are going and where God is taking us. We must be ready to move on his command in whatever capacity necessary to bring in the lost and to continue building up the body of Christ. We are on a journey that won’t be easy. This world will get weaker, but the church must get stronger! Leaders, its time to lead and to lead well. You are not what you go through, but you are everything that you stand for.

Until next time!

Amber Brown is the founder/CEO of Rise To The Mission International, as well as an author and podcast host of Rise To The Mission with Amber Brown. She is pursuing her education in biblical and pastoral studies, travels preaching the gospel, and works full time for a not-for-profit certified community behavioral health organization.
