October 8, 2024

Students from Dexter High School competed at the Future Business Leaders of America National Leadership Conference. The event, held in Orlando, Florida, from June 28 to July 2, attracted more than 18,000 middle school, high school, and college students, educators, and volunteers from across the country, according to a press release. The NLC provides education, competition, and networking opportunities centered on business...

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Students from Dexter High School competed at the Future Business Leaders of America National Leadership Conference.

The event, held in Orlando, Florida, from June 28 to July 2, attracted more than 18,000 middle school, high school, and college students, educators, and volunteers from across the country, according to a press release. The NLC provides education, competition, and networking opportunities centered on business.

More than 12,000 students from nearly 2,100 schools in 43 U.S. states and territories and two countries competed in more than 100 business-related events for cash prizes totaling over $120,000.

Cy Scott and Luke Gentry competed with their presentation in the Business Plan event. Their imagined business, Private Palate, was a catering company that matches a chef to the type of cuisine desired.

Henley Barrett, was recognized for being the only person in the state of Missouri to complete the BAA Capstone. His project involved collecting school supplies at the end-of-the-year locker cleanout, sorting, and storing these to be available the following school year at “Stock Your Locker” and other times when supplies were needed.

Local chapter adviser, Sharon Guy said, “This experience was very valuable for my students as well as a chapter adviser. We really appreciate our corporate sponsors and the school district for allowing us this opportunity to compete, present, network, and develop professionally.”

“Our student members brought their best to Orlando and impressed our more than 800 judges with their extensive knowledge in areas as diverse as accounting to impromptu speaking to sports management,” FBLA Interim President & CEO Randy W. Fiser said. “As they return home from this transformative experience, they do so with more self-confidence, more professional contacts, and more tools to lead the workforce of the future.”
