August 30, 2024

SIKESTON — For the first time ever, the “Home of Throwed Rolls” will sponsor a roll-eating contest fundraiser at the 80th Annual American Legion Cotton Carnival later this month in Sikeston. The Cotton Carnival, which will be Sept. 24-28, has always been put on by Sikeston’s American Legion Post 114. ...

By Gina Curtis~Standard Democrat
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SIKESTON — For the first time ever, the “Home of Throwed Rolls” will sponsor a roll-eating contest fundraiser at the 80th Annual American Legion Cotton Carnival later this month in Sikeston.

The Cotton Carnival, which will be Sept. 24-28, has always been put on by Sikeston’s American Legion Post 114. 

Frankie Adams, with the Sikeston American Legion, said the eating contest sponsored by Lambert’s Cafe is called the “Throwed Roll Throwdown” and will begin at 7 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Cotton Carnival stage located at the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo grounds. All rolls and even shirts and suspenders will be donated by Lambert’s Cafe, Adams said.

“This is the first-ever eating contest at the Cotton Carnival so we are pretty excited about it,” Adams said. “And we are even more excited that it is sponsored by Lamberts.”

According to Adams, Lambert’s General Manager Mike Church, owner Scott Lambert, Lamberts employee Ashley Lay, and Sikeston Department of Public Safety Lt. Scott Kim have all contributed significantly to the success of the eating contest. 

Adams said the contestants will each start out with a dozen rolls and a gallon of water. 

“The contestants will have a time limit and will eat as many rolls as they can,” Adams said. “We will also have more rolls on standby by in case anyone eats more than 12 rolls.”

According to Adams, the contestants have already been chosen by local business sponsors. Each contestant will provide their name, a stage nickname and the charity they are eating for.

Adams said first, second and third places will be awarded.

“All the money raised is going to one of six charities,” Adams said. “The first place winner, 50 percent of his money goes to his charity; the second place winner, 30 percent of his money will go to their charity; and the third place winner, 20 percent of their money will go to their charity.” 

The six charities are Spread Hope Now, Mission Missouri, House of Refuge, Light Up Sikeston, Hope Center and Bulldog Pantry.

Adams said contestants will be allowed to dip their rolls in water to help them eat, and rolls will also be thrown into the crowd.  

Adams said he believes this will become an annual, fun event at the Cotton Carnival, and he is excited to see how it turns out.

According to Adams, EMS South Scott County Ambulance Service will be on standby in case of an emergency. 

“Yes, this is a fun and exciting event, but it is also a big charity event,” Adams said. “I want everyone to come out and have fun and remember what we are doing it for as well.”

Adams added there will be buckets for the contestants in case they overeat or eat too quickly.

Adams said he is hoping they will have butter and honey for the rolls as well.
