As part of the 12th annual farm tour, Jason Smith, U.S. representative for Missouri’s District 8, visited Wheeler Farms in eastern Stoddard County on Thursday.
During this visit, Smith listened to problems and concerns of Justin Wheeler, a fourth generation farmer from Essex.
After a brief discussion in the shop, Smith jumped in Wheeler’s Ford F150 to hit the back roads of Essex.
Slowly cruising the gravel roads, Smith listened to Wheeler describe this year’s field conditions.
“A dry early spring allowed us to plant early,” said Wheeler. “It was super wet in May... things dried back out in June, and we irrigated throughout July.”
Wheeler explained this while pointing out characteristics and harvest dates of four different varieties of rice grown on the farm.
Smith asked, “What are your biggest concerns?”
“Besides getting the crop out, our biggest concern is labor,” said Wheeler. “Our costs are up and we have two large employers (Kitty Litter and WW Wood) in Stoddard County who offer better benefits.”
Stopping the Ford F150, Wheeler said, “You see how green the flag leaf is still... We are two weeks away from harvest.”
Smith asked, “How long will it take to harvest?”
Wheeler responded, “We can do two (80-acre) fields a day, operating three combines.”
The purpose of the farm tour: listen to problems and transport priorities of Missouri farmers to Washington, D.C.
Smith represents 30 counties covering over 20,000 square miles in Southern and Southeast Missouri.
Smith kicked off this year’s farm tour on Aug. 20.