June 3, 2024

John 3:17 can’t be overlooked

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

In my experience this is probably the most quoted verse in the Bible. When I ask the youth to come up with a scripture to memorize, it is often this one, (or Genesis 1:1). This verse does do a great job of describing the love of God for us. I mean, think about it: We were lost, drowning in our own sin, and God sends His son to save us from ourselves. That’s pretty good, don’t you think?

But we often overlook the very next verse, “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” Honestly, you cannot have John 3:16 without 3:17. Why? Because verse 17 shows intent.

We serve an awesome, all-knowing, all-seeing God. God created everything, including you and me. Everything is His to manipulate, destroy or save. We cannot stand in front of him, because God is perfect. We are flawed, and therefore not worthy of even God’s consideration. At least, that is the rhetoric given by many. For some, God is retributive and fault-finding. But John 3:17 removes that thought.

God’s motive for sending His son is our salvation. It isn’t to take control of everything. He is giving us a chance to live a life worth living. God is at work saving you and me, and He is doing it through His Son, Jesus Christ.

There is no hidden agenda, there is no dark secret. There is only life and light. Christ came into the world with the single purpose of saving the children of God. It is that simple.

The thing is, we were already condemned, Christ wasn’t going to add to that condemnation. We already stood in sin and were dying in our sins. Once condemned, there is no need to repeat. What would the point have been for Jesus to condemn us? We were already dead in our sins.

So, God sends Christ to teach us to live. He offers us forgiveness of our sins and seeks for us to live in love, not despair. Christ died to forgive the condemned. He isn’t adding to the sentence. He is negating the court.

As you reflect on these two verses, I hope you realize the importance of what is going on. God does not condemn, that is for us to do. Christ was sent to save, and only Christ can do that.

The world wants to condemn because that leads to control, but we are free in Christ. Christ died so we could live. God forgives, so we can know Him. We are redeemed so that we may live in Christ.

You know, this is pretty good news. Don’t you think it should be shared?

Thank you.

Just a thought.

Shalom my friends. See you in church.

Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.
