May 31, 2024

Stoddard County residents are being urged to save their receipts as they continue to clean up from the May 26 tornado in case government recovery funds become available. Preliminary damage assessments are being completed by local and state officials, explained Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency Director Bo Bishop. Bishop expects to meet next week with representatives from the federal and state emergency management agencies...

Donna Farley Staff Writer
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Stoddard County residents are being urged to save their receipts as they continue to clean up from the May 26 tornado in case government recovery funds become available.

Preliminary damage assessments are being completed by local and state officials, explained Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency Director Bo Bishop. Bishop expects to meet next week with representatives from the federal and state emergency management agencies.

“It is becoming apparent that the threshold required for a Disaster Declaration by FEMA may be reached,” Bishop said.

The assessment phase is still ongoing, and the Disaster Declaration decision will be communicated to us once all phases of assessment have been completed and the figures compiled, he continued.

“Until that decision is made, we ask that all impacted residents keep all receipts for money spent because of the severe weather,” Bishop said. “Examples include emergency home repairs, debris removal, food lost, etc. If a Disaster Declaration is declared, FEMA will provide a list of reimbursable expenses, and having receipts will help streamline the process.”

Debris removal is still in the process within the cities and the county.

“We are working with state agencies to continue to bring in debris removal teams,” Bishop said. “Please be patient as this process does take time and teams are spread thin throughout the U.S.

“The debris removal teams that are called in perform their work at no cost to the resident.”

During this time of emergency, Bishop cautioned residents to be aware of scammers that may present themselves for home repairs, debris removal, etc.

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