April 17, 2024

This past week has been a wonder. I am now a grandfather again. Our daughter just had her first child and that makes two grandchildren for my wife and me. Susan and I raised three wonderful children and yet I still am in awe and wonder at the birth of a child. The absolute miracle of this newborn baby just solidifies my faith in our creator God...

Rev. Kent Wilfong

This past week has been a wonder. I am now a grandfather again. Our daughter just had her first child and that makes two grandchildren for my wife and me. Susan and I raised three wonderful children and yet I still am in awe and wonder at the birth of a child. The absolute miracle of this newborn baby just solidifies my faith in our creator God.

As I look around my office today, there is an air of expectancy as we are about to experience a total blackout of the sun due to the eclipse. Again, another reason to believe in a creator God. Even nature seems to be getting ready for what is to come.

We are surrounded by miracles, yet I often think we take them for granted. Our bodies are wonders of engineering that cannot be duplicated outside of nature. The way our bodies grow, and change cannot be duplicated by manmade machines. We have no duplicate for the intricate digestive or reproductive system that keeps our bodies and species going. We cannot repair our machines the way our bodies repair themselves.

Then when we get to the imagination. What machine could write Shakespeare, or C.S. Lewis? I know, scientists are trying to get AI to do that, but it won’t work. What machine could create a Rembrandt or Picasso? What manmade contrivance could create (not reproduce) the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven or the tonalities of the Eagles?

Look, I don’t care whether you believe in a creator or not. I do believe. I cannot rationalize any accidental making of the world we live in. God has given us the abilities to change our surroundings. In this we have created art, music, literature, inventions. We are on the cusp are traveling further to the stars than we have ever gone. We see things now that a mere 100 years ago was just fantasy. Our God given imaginations are at work bringing us to a deeper understanding of our creator.

So, let’s praise God. Let’s thank God for all the gifts we have. Let’s bring him worship and honor. And this means, let’s show up at church.

You know, throughout history, men and women have used their talents to praise God. Our hymns are the result of those talents. The Psalms are songs written long ago to glorify God. Our Bible is full of poetry and history of the great deeds of our ancestors. Yeah, get to church. Learn of the greatness that God not only has for creation but for you.

Yep, I said you, for you are beautifully and wonderfully made. You are made in the image of God, and thus are the highest of God’s creations. You are known and loved by God. You are a special gift from God. And you have been a special gift from your birth, and before.

You see, it’s all connected, and the common denominator is…. God

Just a thought.

Shalom my friends. See you in church.

Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.
