April 1, 2024

Three individuals are seeking election April 2 to the Puxico R-VIII Board of Education. With numerous potential issues facing school districts throughout the state of Missouri, school boards have been attracting much attention for issues such as curriculum and budget constraints. The candidates in this race are: John Davis, Joe Hodges and April Burchard...


Three individuals are seeking election to the Puxico R-VIII Board of Education. With numerous potential issues facing school districts throughout the state of Missouri, school boards have been attracting much attention for issues such as curriculum and budget constraints. The candidates in this race are: John Davis, Joe Hodges and April Burchard.

Each candidate received the same questions in an effort for the voting public to become better acquainted with them and to help inform their decisions at the polls on Tuesday. The response of each candidate to the questions will be presented in ballot order. Answers have been edited for clarity and length. Although provided with the questions at the same time as the other candidates, Burchard had not completed and returned her information by press time.


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No photo provided

Age: 76

Spouse: Janet Davis

Children: First name (age) Jeff (55) and Wife Barb; Janell (53), Jennifer (44) and Husband Oliver; 7 Grandchildren, 2 Great Grandchildren

Occupation: Farmer

Education: 1965 Puxico High School graduate

Current affiliations: Vice president Southeast Cooperative Service Board of Directors, president Drainage District 15, Puxico First Baptist church member, honorary member Puxico FFA chapter, Puxico Educational Foundation Member

Why are you running for the board? I hope to continue to serve the school system and community that I care so much about.

What characteristics would make you a good board/council member? Having served in the past as president and vice president, to currently the board treasurer, I feel my experiences have shown that I provide good, sound decision making.

What do you hope to accomplish? There are always short term and long-term goals that our board tries to work toward. In my many years of service to the district, I have been able to see many of these goals that have made improvements for the students, staffing and our community. If re-elected, I will be able to help achieve more of these goals.

Are there any recent actions you agree or disagree with? I fully support the No Tax Increase Bond Issue that is on the April 2 ballot. Our new high school was completed in 2008 and funded along with other campus improvements through a voter-passed bond issue to service that debt. Our administration and board have taken conservative measures, and our debt service will soon end for that project. This presents an opportunity for our community to move our current debt service levy to the operating budget with no change in the overall tax levy. These funds would be available to address concerns that many of our voters have expressed.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the district/city and how would you address them? As one of the bigger districts in the county, we face many challenges and get many growing pains for a good term. Those challenges range from classroom curriculum, funding, upkeep of facilities and availability of staffing. Sometimes our hands are tied. But I commend our staff and administration because they all face these challenges head on daily and find solutions.

Are there any needs you want to address? Both Puxico and Puxico R-8 schools are special in many ways. I am so proud of the support we get from community members and businesses. However, we cannot pretend we live in a small-town bubble. Our campus security is something that we continue to increase and work towards a more secure environment. Our students and staff deserve a safe working and learning environment!


Age: 46

Spouse: Stefanie Hodges

Children: Raegan (16), Jacob (9), Owen (7)

Occupation: My wife and I own Identity Salon & Spa and Small Town Fitness (24 hr access gym)

Education: Puxico High School graduate, 1996

Current affiliations: NA

Why are you running for the board? I am running for school board because I care deeply for the students and staff in this district. I feel that with any organization there is always room for improvement, but I believe in our district, and hope to help them maintain the high standards we already have and continue a culture of excellence for the future.

What characteristics would make you a good board/council member? I feel that I’m open minded and fair, but will stand my ground and not get offended when someone has a different opinion than me. I value other viewpoints and I’m willing to compromise to find the best solutions for a problem.

What do you hope to accomplish? It’s my hope that I can help our district navigate the social and economic challenges that they are sure to face.

Are there any recent actions you agree or disagree with? The largest problem that our district faces is the need for a new elementary school. Also on the ballot this election is Proposition 2, which would help fund a solution for this problem. If I had to pick one thing I agree with in our district right now, it’s this proposition. Whether someone plans to vote for me or not, I’d hope that they would vote yes on prop 2.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the district/city and how would you address them? I feel that, besides the elementary facility, the largest problem the district faces is retaining quality staff in our changing economy.

Are there any needs you want to address? As I’ve already said, the two largest needs are the elementary building and staffing. It’s my hope that I can be a part of helping our district navigate these, and any other problems they may face.
