September 20, 2023

The Dexter School Board addressed a temporary closure of the walking track at the Bearcat Event Center (BEC) during the daytime hours. This is due to construction in the locker rooms at the high school gym. Because of the construction gym classes have moved to the BEC. The district has decided to close the walking track during the day due to safety concerns. The track is expected to reopen for regular usage in mid October. The evening walking track hours will not be affected...

The Dexter School Board addressed a temporary closure of the walking track at the Bearcat Event Center (BEC) during the daytime hours. This is due to construction in the locker rooms at the high school gym. Because of the construction gym classes have moved to the BEC. The district has decided to close the walking track during the day due to safety concerns. The track is expected to reopen for regular usage in mid October. The evening walking track hours will not be affected.

Superintendent Amy James presented the board approved several Missouri Consultants for Education (MCE) updates. She presented them for the board to review and policies will be voted on at the October meeting.

Policy 1425 – This policy update permits screened volunteers to access student educational records while supervised by an appropriate staff member.

Policy 2115 – This policy prohibits students from competing in sports designated for students of the opposite biological sex as determined by birth. The policy also removes the option for students to use restrooms of their identified gender. While the sports part of the policy is mandatory for the district, the district can choose to retain its current restroom policy.

Policy 2200 – This policy allows the district to obtain a background check on students 18 years or older enrolling at the district if they will be in a classroom with minor students. The enrollment of of 18 year old students is at the discretion of the district with the exception of special education students.

Policy 2240 – This policy adds to the list of categories of students entitled to attend school without paying tuition.

Policy 2400 – This policy requires the district to keep special education plans in a student's educational record. This is due to a legislation change.

Policy 2525 – This policy changes the name of a course required for graduation.

Policy 2760 – This policy focuses on foster care students. It appears motivated by delays in completing “best interest determination” for the student's assigned district.

Policy 2810 – This policy changes the wording in the current Missouri Comprehensive Counseling Program.

Policy 4120 – This policy allows the district to hire up to five retired teachers as substitutes for up to four years. Previously it was two years. The critical teacher shortage is the reason for this change.

Policy 4866 – This policy prohibits discrimination against women as a result of pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions and requires reasonable accommodations.

Policy 4867 – This policy makes time spent by nonexempt employees spent utilizing the lactation room is paid time for overtime and minimum wage purposes.

Policy 6121 – This policy allows the district to conduct classes on the Holocaust.

Policy 6122 – This allows the district to offer elective social studies courses that in part include the study of Hebrew Scripture as well as the Old and New Testament.

Policy 6251 – This policy provides parents of visually impaired students with information and strategies to improve learning for visually impaired students who are not progressing satisfactorily.

Other Business

The board approved the Local Special Education Compliance Plan Certification. With this approval the board adopted the model compliance plan made available by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This something the board must do annually.

The board then named special services director Jessica Lamber the district's 2023/24 Director of Special Services as the Homeless Liaison.

Superintendent's Report

James said the current enrollment at the district is 2,014. James updated the CSIP saying the district's pre-planning guide, and response to standards is scheduled to be uploaded to the state at the end of the month.  It will be reviewed and scored sometime in the near future.

James said Senate Bill 681 established the “Get the Lead Out of School Drinking Water Act”. She said this bill requires the district to have its drinking water tested for lead contamination and take corrective action when the lead content meets or exceeds 5 parts per billion of lead. This will cost about $20,000, however there is funding available to reimburse the district for this expense. James said she will provide further updates as the testing process concludes.

Executive Session

The board approved Colby Christian, Delanay Lemmon, Kate Wyman, Josh Link and Sandra Hargrave substitutes for the 2023/24 school year pending a favorable background check and sub certification.

The board approved the hiring of Shawn Guethle-Student Council (STUCO), William Hemby-Alt. School Bus Driver, David Davidson-Alt. School Bus Aide, Kim Lacy-Food Service POS, James Tucker-Bus Washing and Lindy Parker-PAT Contracted Work for the 2023/24 school year, pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification.
