September 11, 2023

When Stoddard County Fair Board President Kevin Holman pulled into the Stoddard County Fair Grounds on Saturday morning it was bustling with activity. The county 4H and FFA students were cleaning the livestock and exhibit barns and the FFA/4H Building. Final preparations are underway for the 96th annual Stoddard County Fair...

When Stoddard County Fair Board President Kevin Holman pulled into the Stoddard County Fair Grounds on Saturday morning it was bustling with activity. The county 4H and FFA students were cleaning the livestock and exhibit barns and the FFA/4H Building. Final preparations are underway for the 96th annual Stoddard County Fair.

For the kids working to clean up, raising and showing livestock, Holman sees the fair as educational for them. Holman said agriculture is the key part of the fair.

“We have a lot of 4H kids, good 4H leaders in this county. We have got good FFA advisors in the schools in this county,” said Holman. “In today's day and age these kids are learning how to work they are learning how to lead.”

Holman said he has seen some of the kids over the years become young adults and start doing jobs the fair board usually does at the fair. Holman said the older students will without being asked assist the younger ones. He said they offer tips to the younger students for showing their animals for judging. Additionally the students will help each other with the care of the animals as well. Holman explained that when the kids complete the feeding, cleaning, etc. of their animals they will assist other kids who are still working.

“That's why we do this, is for the youth,” said Holman. “A true fair I have come to learn is livestock. It includes livestock and includes all of the vendor booths. We should have a lot of vendor booths.”

Holman encouraged visiting the vendors and food vendors. He also expressed his gratitude to all of this year's sponsors.

The fair will run from September 19 to September 23. The livestock entries will be accepted on Monday, September 18 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The other exhibits will be accepted on Sunday, September 17 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m and will be judged on Monday. The livestock will be judged on Wednesday and Thursday, September 20 and 21. Goats and cattle will be judged on Wednesday and sheep and hogs on Thursday.The 4H/FFA Livestock Auction will take place on Saturday, September 23 at 9 a.m. Holman said last years auction saw a record price at $85 a pound for a hog. The hog belonged to Dalton Miller of Essex.

Tinsley Amusements will be at the fair again with rides and games on the midway nightly. However the company's owner who has been a main stay at the fair for many years will not be there.

“Unfortunately we lost Rich Tinsley last year, about a month or two after our fair,” said Holman. “He has been a staple in this area according to the elders on the (Stoddard County Fair) board for years. He is definitely going to be missed. It is going to be odd not having him around but he has got some good people that are in charge now.”

The first event of the fair will be the Stoddard county Fair Pageant which will take place on Sunday, September 17 at 2 p.m. at the fairgrounds. The Stoddard County Fair Parade will take place Tuesday on Stoddard Street in Downtown Dexter at 5:30 p.m.

Acts on the main stage (starting at 7 p.m. each night) will be Randy Harrington on Tuesday, The Assembly Church on Wednesday, Bo and the No Shows on Thursday, Jason Brown on Friday and Chris Lovelady on Saturday.

The ground acts each night will be the Robinson Chainsaw Carvers and Eric Reamer. Reamer is a magician, illusionist and mentalist. The carvings Robinson Chainsaw Carvers make during the week will be auctioned off at the end of the week.

On Thursday night the FFA Tractor Rodeo will take place in Arena A. On Friday night the Todd Woods Rodeo will be in Arena A. The rodeo will have a $5 admission fee with children 6 and under free. On Saturday evening the demolition derby will take place in Arena A and will also have a $5 admission. The demolition derby will be run by War on Wheels Demo Derby.These are the only two events with an additional admission fee.

Thursday will be bracelet night from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Bracelets are $30 each. Saturday will be bracelet afternoon from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and the bracelets will cost $25.

Holman said admission into the fair will be $5 each night. On Wednesday night a free ride ticket can be acquired for each box of macaroni and cheese (up to six boxes) brought to the gate of the fairgrounds. The boxes will be donated to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.

Ride tickets can be pre-purchased at Gary's Quick Stop until the start of the parade or until supplies run out. The pre fair price is a sheet of 25 tickets for $20, cash or check only. Holman said at the fairground they will be $20 for 22 tickets.

“We (fair board) are constantly working the entire week,” said Holman. “Wether it be daytime, nighttime, we put in more work that week than at our day jobs. It takes a village to do this and we have got a good group of fair board members and we have a lot of good new members.”
