The Puxico School Board opened its April meeting by accepting the results of the Municipal Election that was held on April 4. Three incumbents were elected by acclimation after a non election was declared. This occurred due to the number of candidates matching the number of open seats.
Chad Payne, Steve Crisel and Randy Stephens then took the oath of office which was administered by board secretary Michael Clubb. The board then elected to retain the same officers as the previous year. They are Chad Payne - president, Steve Crisel - vice president, Michael Clubb - secretary and John Davis – treasurer.
The board made a $500 donation to Puxico Project Graduation. Normally the board will also donate drivers and bus transportation as well. However, this year the senior class elected to hold the event on campus. Superintendent Cindy Crabb said the event will feature multiple activities for the senior class.
The district renewed its contract with Aramark for the 2022/23 school year. Lunches will be $3.4133, breakfasts will be $2.2184, lunches for non-students $3.4133, after school snack is $1.0230 and breakfast for non-students will be $2.2184.
The Puxico CEA brought a request before the board. The request was to assist with the cost of placing a Puxico School Banner in the Paul Arnold Gym, FEMA gym and cafeteria. These banners would measure 8 feet by 10 feet and cost $600 each.
The CEA was also wanted to purchase three smaller banners to be hung in the office at each school. If a 3x5 banner is selected the cost would be $65 each. The board agreed to donate $500 toward the purchase of the banners. The CEA was asked to take measurements of the banners currently in the gyms prior to ordering. It was thought that 10 feet might be to long.
The board was then presented with the SCAA 2022 APR review. The APR is testing given to the students at the schools in the SCAA. The scoring criteria is based on academic achievement status and growth, success-ready students (CCR Assessments and Advanced Credits), graduation rate and graduation follow up.
Puxico ranked well in the county with an overall score of 85.2, which placed the district second. Crabb said in going through the scores some schools had a score of zero in some categories. She said this is not correct. This is the first year using this system. During the upload of the scores there are certain options that must be selected. If one is missed the scores do not upload correctly. Crabb said this happened on one of the uploads from Puxico but was caught and corrected in time.
Crabb said five bids were received for the lawn mowing at the district. The board approved the bid from Blake Helm.
Crabb said three bids were also received for the photography service. They were received from Waggoner, Shutterfly and Tiny Souls out of Puxico. The selected Tiny Souls. Crabb said this studio was already covering school sports and other event along with uploading sports and other photos for the district.
Crabb said the suplied and discussed in the booster club meeting has been ordered and is starting to arrive. She said the district has shorter goas for the elementary basketball program and a new netting system for the booster club to use in the cafeteria.
Crabb said staff is currently reviewing the inventory of materials and preparing for the next school year. Summer school is also being prepared for.
She told the board that the district is going to begin transitioning to Infinite Campus due to SISK12 be discontinued and next years instructional coach is planning the back to school P.D.
Crabb said there are plans to address the shrubs in front of the ARG and the Special Education Building renovations are much closer to completion.
Upcoming dates for the district are MAP and EOC testing April 17-May 5. The Baccalaureate is May 10, Kindergarten Graduation May 11 and the Class of 2023 will graduate May 12.