The Dexter School Board tabled the diesel fuel bid until the April meeting. The board has tabled this bid the past few meetings due to the elevated price of the fuel.
At the March meeting Assistant Superintendent Gavin Miller said although the price has come down, it is still not where he would like it to be in order to purchase a full supply. Miller said he would reach out to multiple companies and price the purchase of a single truck load (7,000 gallons). Miller said this would get the district to the end of the school year.
The board voted to renew its custodial contract with CPS Custodial Service. Superintendent Amy James said the district has been pleased with the work by CPS. She also said the contract has gone up $24,727.20. However, CPS will now provide the cleaning supplies rather than the district splitting the the cost with CPS..
James said the money the district would save from not having to purchase the cleaning supplies would off set the raise in contract price.
James said the district has applied for a grant. She said that should the district be awarded this grant, a keyless entry system will be installed in the district buildings.
A special meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 28 to open bids for the HVAC project at the high school.
Kayla Sparks and Phoenix Davidovich were approved the as substitutes for the 2022-2023 school year pending a favorable background check and sub certification.
The board approved the following resignations: Jennifer Randl-Paraprofessional, resignation effective 3/14/2023, Shanna Green-Paraprofessional, resignation effective at the conclusion of the 22-23 school year and Elizabeth Reaves-1st Grade Teacher, resignation effective immediately.
The board approved the transfer of the following individuals for the 2023-2024 school year, pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification: Leah Cecil, from kindergarten to 2nd grade and Rob Scott from 5th grade to high school math.
The board approved the hiring of the following individuals for the 2023-2024 school year, pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification: Pam Foster-High School Science, Melissa Scowden-Special Services Teacher at middle school/New position, Shannon Hanners-Elementary Music, Jackie Kiger-Kindergarten Teacher, Addie Kruse-Middle School Head Volleyball Coach and Haylee Orf-High School Head Volleyball Coach.
The board approved the employment of the 2023-24 coaches, sponsors, probationary teachers and tenured teachers.
The board approved the employment of Mr. Eric Boles as the Director of Curriculum/Instructional Coach for the 23-24 school year.
The board granted permission to Mrs. James for the hiring of a 1st grade teacher pending a favorable background check prior to the April board meeting. The purpose of this urgency is hiring a certified and qualified individual. The names of these individuals will be formally presented at the April board meeting.