February 21, 2023

The Dexter School Board hired a new photography company. The district has used Interstate Photography for the past 15 years but has had issues with customer service. This contract will expire at the end of the school year. Superintendent Amy James sought proposals from photography companies. ...

The Dexter School Board hired a new photography company. The district has used Interstate Photography for the past 15 years but has had issues with customer service. This contract will expire at the end of the school year.

Superintendent Amy James sought proposals from photography companies. Interstate along with Lifetouch and Wagner submitted proposals. James said in the past the district had used Wagner but at the time Wagner was unable to provide some of the outside the box technology. They can provide this now.

James said both Poplar Bluff and Sikeston districts use Wagner and gave positive reviews. The board elected to hire Wagner

The fuel bid was tabled until the March meeting. Miller said the district has enough fuel to last until mid April. Miller said he receives the fuel prices everyday. The price has been $3.20 to $3.30 a gallon in the five days prior to the meeting.

The board gave their permission for superintendent Amy James to seek sealed proposals on behalf of the district for banking services. These bids will be advertised in the newspaper (Dexter Statesman).

The board renewed therapy contracts for the 2023-24 school year. Therapists Sheila Alsup provides physical therapy for all of the buildings, Mandy Banks and Jenna Moore provide occupational therapy. Their rate will remain the same at $65 per hour.

The board approved the Summer MSHAA activities dead period as July 29 through August 6, 2023.

James said the district received an email from Tyler Technology saying they were beginning a formal partnership with Infinite Campus. Tyler Technology provided the district’s student information system. This means the district will have to select a new system. This system is Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus has purchased Tyler Technology.

The mitigation process will begin in 2023 and run to the summer of 2025. James said some districts in the area have switched to Teacher Ease but there have been issues and she believes Teacher Ease could not efficiently serve a district the size of Dexter. James recommended Infinite Campus to the board.

James said training on the new system would begin at the end of February and it would be ready for students, staff and parents in August. The board approved the new system.

Superintendents Report

James said the district’s current enrollment is 2,036. James said she has applied for a $150,000 grant from DHSS for HVAC repairs. James also said she applied for a grant to help compensate teachers participating in the LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training.  This training has required extensive work outside of the school day.  The grant is for $21,808.

James said the district must spend its ESSER III funds by the end of 2024. The district is looking at two projects. She said the district has been working with Kristen Urhahn and Chance Whitehead of Dille Pollard in the planning of projects with ESSER III funds.  These projects include, replacing the boiler system in the high school with a new HVAC system (replacing the old boiler system) and remodeling of the boys and girls locker rooms in the high school gym. Along with the locker room remodel, the plumbing issues in the locker rooms will be repaired/replaced.

James said it is hoped the projects will go out for bid in March and work will begin over the summer. She said the P.E./gym classes will use the BEC until the remodel is finished.

Executive Session

The board approved Ethan Kincy, Nikki Lathem, Annmarie Slaton, Lisa Musgrave and Megan Williams substitutes for the 2022-23 school year pending a favorable background check and sub certification.

The board approved the resignation of Nancy Hernandez effective 2/17/2023.

The board approved the transfer of Reeda Traw, from Special Services Paraprofessional to Central Elementary Secretary. for the 2022-2023 school year, pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification.

The board approved the hiring of Holly Milan as a Substitute Bus Aide l for the 2022-23 school year, Pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification.

The board approved the hiring of the following individuals for the 2023-24 school year, pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification: Casie Layton-Special Services Teacher, Savannah Whitehead-4th grade teacher, Lexi Renken-5th grade teacher, Keri Goodman-payroll and insurance clerk, Daniel McCoy-Southwest Elementary Counselor, Chastity McLaughlin-Southwest Elementary Librarian, Addison Kruse- middle school ELA, 6th grade, Luke Boyer-associate head coach for football, Steve Edwards-assistant coach for football and Daniel McCoy-assistant coach for football.

The board approved the addition of another special services teacher at the middle school for the 2023-2024 school year.

The board approved the employment of Gavin Miller and voted to extend the contract through the 2024-25 school year.

The board approved the employment of Jessica Lambert and voted to extend the contract through the 2024-25 school year.

The board approved the employment of all building principals, assistants and the athletic director through the 2023-24 school year.
