January 10, 2023

The Bernie School Board was presented information gathered through meetings and surveys with staff to explore the interest in a four day school week. Superintendent Dustin Hicks said the information he was presenting to the board was gathered through surveys and meetings he had with the staff. Hicks said 69.7 percent of the staff wanted to look at a four day school calendar and 22.7 percent wanted to stay at five days a week...

The Bernie School Board was presented information gathered through meetings and surveys with staff to explore the interest in a four day school week.

Superintendent Dustin Hicks said the information he was presenting to the board was gathered through surveys and meetings he had with the staff. Hicks said 69.7 percent of the staff wanted to look at a four day school calendar and 22.7 percent wanted to stay at five days a week.

He said 86.7 percent favored dedicated professional development and teacher collaboration days worked into the schedule and 65.6 percent would like these days quarterly. Hicks also said 21.2 percent felt that a four day week would reduce staff absences and 25.8 percent felt it would increase student attendance.

Hicks said 28.8 percent of the staff felt a four day week would improve student performance, 34.8 percent were undecided and 16.7 percent felt it would not help student performance. Hicks said this may be the biggest concern was the effect on the students. He asked if it would benefit the students to sit home more and not get the instruction or receive the meals they would normally get from school.

Hicks was asked by the board if an area district, Holcumb, who had gone to a four day week was maintaining the student test scores they had with a five day week. Hicks said he believed they were.

Hicks said the cost saved to the districts who went to a four day week averaged 1.2 percent. However he said a large district such as Twin Rivers, may save a little more.

Hicks said the other concern is keeping quality teachers. He said since the district’s budget did not permit them to raise the salaries as high as they would like, they may have to compensate with extra time off. A teacher in attendance told the board that if they could not get the salary they wanted they would like to look at the four day week.

Hicks said currently the district goes to school 144 days and with the four day week he felt they could do it in 162 days. He asked the board to think about it and email him their thoughts on a four day week. No decisions were made at the meeting.

Program Review

The Bernie School approved the Personnel Program evaluation presented by Hicks. The goal of the program is for the board of education to employ the best-qualified staff members possible for each position within the fiscal constraints of the budget. The board will also provide in-service opportunities for the staff’s professional growth.

Superintendent’s Report

Hicks said no one other than the three incumbents has filed to run for school board. The three incumbents are Rick Beaird, Richard Owens and Denny Riddle. Hicks said because the district has a bondn issue question on the ballot the the school board election must also appear. The district would not otherwise be required to hold a school board election due to the the number of candidates matching the number of seats available.

Hicks said the heater in the preschool conference room unit needs to be repaired. He said the bus damaged by the UTV has been repaired and returned to the district. The district is taking bids on the repair of the bus damaged by the tractor. Hicks also said the playground fencing project needs to be completed.
