November 29, 2022

Superintendent Cindy Crabb updated the Puxico School Board on the district’s MSIP 6 Indicator Update at its November meeting. Crabb said the MSIP 6 includes the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Indicators which include The teacher recognizes the importance of long-range planning and curriculum development. ...

Superintendent Cindy Crabb updated the Puxico School Board on the district’s MSIP 6 Indicator Update at its November meeting.

Crabb said the MSIP 6 includes the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Indicators which include

The teacher recognizes the importance of long-range planning and curriculum development. Crabb said the teacher develops, implements, and evaluates curriculum based upon student, district and state standards data. The district teacher researches and implements instructional strategies leading to student engagement in problem-solving and critical thinking.

Crabb said as of the time of the meeting walkthrough observations and conferencing with teachers and staff were ongoing.

Crabb said as part of the communication part of the plan includes newsletters sent to families at the elementary school and weekly updates to all elementary staff to inform them of upcoming weeks. Additionally Facebook posts are used to communicate with parents regarding positive behavior, activities and special events.

The personnel portion of the MSIP 6 includes BTAP training for new staff. The training takes place at the RPDC in Cape Girardeau and is a two week program. Teachers in Grades 3-5 are participating in LETRS training. The Phonics based curriculum and the 2nd Round of Mentors observing Mentees occurred on November 2, 2022 .

DATA team meetings are occurring monthly to discuss and evaluate and instructional ideas and concerns.

Building Leadership Teams are meeting monthly to begin creating a Building Level Improvement Plan.

Other Business

The board set the summer school dates for May 24 to June 21, 2023. The board set the filing dates for the April 4, 2023 election. The dates are December 6 through December 27, 2022. The terms of three board members will expire and members will be up for reelection. The three members up for reelection are Chad Payne, Steve Crisel and Randy Stephens.

Executive Session

The board accepted a letter of resignation from Lori Anderson a letter of retirement from Shana Kight.

The board approved Lisa Culbertson as a substitute teacher employed G. Shawn Haynes as maintenance/bus driver. The Puxico School Board then approved the assignment of Lamia Hobbs as SPED Process Coordinator.
