The Bloomfield School Board set its annual tax levy at its August meeting Tuesday evening. Superintendent Toni Hill told the board that the district’s total 2022 valuation was $58,151,622 which resulted in a $3.3600 tax levy. No members of the public were in attendance to comment on the tax levy. The board then approved the 2022/23 tax levy.
Hill presented bids to the board for the purposed expansion of the districts ag building. The district received four bids on the project. The bids received were from Rick Shipman Construction for $908,913, Zoellner Construction for $943,403, Brockmiller Construction for $916,500 and Klefner Brothers Construction for $985,000.
Hill said the bids came in over what the district budgeted for the project. After discussing the bids and budgeting it was decided to table the bids until the September meeting. The board will render a decision at that time.
The board approved the milage reimbursement rate for district staff. The board made the decision to set the rate for the district the same rate set by the state each July. The district will stick with this rate throughout the school year and update again in July 2023.
The board approved the special education compliance plan. Hill said they use the state plan and this keeps the district in compliance with both state and federal regulations.
They also approved the Conflict of Interest Policy BBFA. This is something the district is required to do each year. Hill said this is the same policy they have had for several years.
The board then approved the Maintenance Service Agreement with the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA). The MSBA makes sure the district has all legalities covered.
The board then approved the Network Educator Effectiveness Evaluation Tool. This tool replaces the evaluation tool the district used with The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Hill said the only real change is that this move the evaluation tool to a digital format.
Executive Session
In the executive session the board approved the substitute list. The board also approved the hire of Stephanie Young as a part-time middle school interventionist and instructional coach. Additionally the board approved the hire of Haydn Hull as music teacher and the extra-curricular list as presented.