The Dexter Board of Aldermen held a special meeting Thursday afternoon at which time the board set the tax levy for the city’s fiscal year.
City Attorney Yewell “Bud” Lawrence said the city’s total 2022 valuation is $112,959,537. This breaks down to Real Estate $75,752,478, Personal Property $31,770,440, Railroad and Utility (State Assessed) $4,353,487 and Railroad and Utility (Local Assessed) $1,083,132.
The board of aldermen approved a general fund tax levy of $0.5905 per $100 and a library fund tax levy of $0.1652 per $100 for a total of $0.7557 per $100.
The board passed other ordinances at the meeting as well. The first placed a question on the November ballot for the citizens of Dexter. The question asks the citizens if the city collector position should move from an elected position to an appointed position. The city wishes to make this a appointed position due to the technical requirements the job now entails. City officials want to ensure someone is at the position that can perform all the requirements and continue to provide a high level of service to residents. According to Missouri statute this can only be moved to an appointed position with voter approval.
The board then approved an ordinance hiring Hanson Professional Services to provide consultant services for the Dexter Airport and the city. The consultant services will be provided during development stages of airport projects.
The ordinance passed hired Waters Engineering as the engineer for the upcoming wastewater disinfection improvement project . The project is funded by the the community development block grant program. The total fee for Water Engineering is $187,000.
The next ordinance approved an agreement with the Rejis Commission for the Dexter Police Department to use its mobile ticketing system. This will serve as an upgrade from the current system which the police department has been having technical issues with.
The final ordinance placed stop signs at the intersection of Cedar Lane and Cottonwood Lane. Stop signs will also be placed at One Mile Road and Cedar Lane.
The board approved a resolution guaranteeing the city will adhere to the Americans With Disabilities Act. The city already adheres to these policies defined in this act but this resolution is required by the application process for potential grants the city is seeking for the wastewater project.
The board then approved the hire of Harley Smith for the street and sanitation department and Sierra Luttrull at city hall.
City Administrator Trever Pulley said the roofing project is underway at the depot in Downtown Dexter. He said a good deal of streets and wear on the building is caused by the continued vibration of trains passing the building.