August 9, 2022

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- A campaign to legalize recreational marijuana in Missouri gathered enough signatures to make it on the November ballot, the secretary of state announced Tuesday. Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft also said a proposal to allow ranked-choice voting failed to collect the roughly 170,000 voter signatures from six of the state's eight congressional districts to get on the ballot...

By SUMMER BALLENTINE ~ Associated Press
A mature marijuana plant begins to bloom under artificial lights on May 20, 2019, at Loving Kindness Farms in Gardena, California. A campaign to legalize recreational marijuana gathered enough signatures to make it on Missouri's November ballot, the secretary of state announced Tuesday,
A mature marijuana plant begins to bloom under artificial lights on May 20, 2019, at Loving Kindness Farms in Gardena, California. A campaign to legalize recreational marijuana gathered enough signatures to make it on Missouri's November ballot, the secretary of state announced Tuesday,

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- A campaign to legalize recreational marijuana in Missouri gathered enough signatures to make it on the November ballot, the secretary of state announced Tuesday.

Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft also said a proposal to allow ranked-choice voting failed to collect the roughly 170,000 voter signatures from six of the state's eight congressional districts to get on the ballot.

If voters approve the constitutional amendment on marijuana, those age 21 and older could buy and grow it for personal consumption as early as this year.

Missouri voters approved medical marijuana use in 2018. Efforts to allow recreational marijuana use have failed to pass Missouri's Republican-led Legislature for years, prompting advocates to go to voters for approval instead.

Recreational marijuana is already legal in 19 states, and legalization proposals are on the ballot this fall in South Dakota and Maryland. Supporters are also trying to get measures on the ballot in Arkansas, North Dakota and Oklahoma.

Backers of the Missouri ballot proposal are highlighting a provision that would erase past marijuana-related convictions for nonviolent offenders and those whose conviction didn't include selling to minors or driving while high.

Local NAACP chapters, the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, criminal defense lawyers and other civil rights advocacy groups endorsed automatic expungement, and it could broaden support for the initiative among Republican criminal justice advocates. Seven other states with legal recreational marijuana have also adopted automatic expungement policies.

Marijuana sales would be taxed at 6% under the Missouri measure. The tax is estimated to bring in more than $46 million during the first full year the amendment is in effect and close to $70 million the following year. Revenues would be earmarked for veterans' homes, drug treatment programs and public defenders.

Cities and other municipalities could enact local sales taxes on recreational marijuana up to 3% or enact local bans on non-medical marijuana sales by a public vote.
