June 14, 2022

The Puxico School board approved multiple program evaluations, student handbooks and the purchase of two buses during its June meeting. The board approved the instructional climate which includes the A+ , At Risk and Code of Conduct programs. The A+ program provides a scholarship to senior students who complete the requirements. Students in 9th through 12th grade may participate in the program. Puxico had 36 members of the senior class participate with 16 successfully meeting the requirements...

The Puxico School board approved multiple program evaluations, student handbooks and the purchase of two buses during its June meeting.

The board approved the instructional climate which includes the A+ , At Risk and Code of Conduct programs. The A+ program provides a scholarship to senior students who complete the requirements. Students in 9th through 12th grade may participate in the program. Puxico had 36 members of the senior class participate with 16 successfully meeting the requirements.

The goals of the program are for all students to complete challenging high school studies, graduate from high school and go to college, post-secondary vocational or technical school or high wage job.

The district uses the At Risk program to identify students who are at risk of educational failure or dropping out. Further goals of the program are to collect and disseminate information which will enable staff to more effectively understand and meet the needs of these students. Partner with educator’s, outside agencies and parents intervention plans and strategies to make a positive impact on the student’s progress and increase the number of students who successfully complete high and leave with skills needed to meet career and job goals.

The district uses the Code of Conduct to maintain a Code of Conduct that is easy to understand, manageable, consistent and effective.

The board then approved the Educational Persistence evaluation. This includes attendance, dropouts, grade promotions and retention. High school principal Gretchen Hill said the expectation is that 90 percent of the students are in attendance 90 percent of the time. The district has maintained an attendance rate around that percentage for the past several years.

Hill further said the district has had no dropouts though there have been some students leave public school for either private school or home school. This means the district is exceeding its goal of a 93 percent graduation rate.

The district uses the Grade Promotion and Retention program to identify students who will be promoted to the next grade level or retained at their current level.

Bus Bids

The district received two bids on the purchase of used buses. The board elected to go with used buses to the increasing cost of new buses. The first bid was from Master’s for a 2019 bus with 37,000 to 39,000 miles. The buses with Master’s have the remaining factory warranties with a warranty start date of 2019. The cost of one bus is $77,135.

The bid from Midwest was for a 2018 bus with approximately 50,000 miles. The bus has a three year body chassis warranty and five year engine/injectors. The cost is $94,762 with a price reduction of $7,188 with no warranties.

They elected to purchase two buses from Master’s for a total of $154,570. The board additionally decided to put their name on a third bus for purchase at a later date due to availability concerns in the future.

Other Business

The board approved the use of the 2021/22 budget as the current budget until the 2022/23 budget is ready. Superintendent Cindy Crabb said Puxico as well as other districts around the state are waiting for the governor to sign some appreciations that will affect the new budget. A budget work session was scheduled for June 27 at 7 p.m.

The board donated $750 to the members of the Puxico FCCLA traveling to the national convention in San Diego. Puxico student Kylee Carroll was elected the Missouri State FCCLA Vice President of Devolpment at the state convention. She is required to attend the national convention as part of the office she holds. The district will have three students and two chaperones.

The board approved the 2022/23 student and athletic handbooks. The updates to the books have not yet been released.

They approved the advertisement of bids for summer maintenance projects that include elementary roof repair, water supply project at the elementary school, sealing/repair of district’s brick buildings, sealent of asphalt and baseball field lighting. This is part of the projects attached to the bond issue passed by voters in April.
