August 17, 2021

Veterans from all eras are reacting to the events in Afghanistan, such as the U.S. withdrawal and the takeover by the Taliban. “You are not alone,” said John J. Pershing VA Medical Center Director, Drew DeWitt. “Veterans may question the meaning of their service or whether it was worth the sacrifices they made. ...


Veterans from all eras are reacting to the events in Afghanistan, such as the U.S. withdrawal and the takeover by the Taliban.

“You are not alone,” said John J. Pershing VA Medical Center Director, Drew DeWitt. “Veterans may question the meaning of their service or whether it was worth the sacrifices they made. They may feel moral distress about experiences they had during their service. It’s normal to feel this way. I encourage veterans to talk to their friends and families, reach out to battle buddies, connect with a peer-to-peer network, or come and see us to let us help you work through it.”

DeWitt said VA offers many options a veteran can customize to meet his or her needs, including walk-in appointments, individual and group appointments at the local facility.

DeWitt also emphasized that veterans in crisis can receive emergency mental health care at the John J. Pershing VA Medical Center 24/7, regardless of discharge status or enrollment for VA health care.

Additional resources available to veterans and caregivers include:

• Veterans Crisis Line - If you are having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-273-8255, then PRESS 1 or visit

• For emergency mental health care, you can also go directly to your local VA medical center 24/7 regardless of your discharge status or enrollment in other VA health care.

• VA Mental Health Services Guide - This guide will help you sign up and access mental health services.

• VA Women Veterans Call Center - Call or text 1-855-829-6636

• VA Caregiver Support Line - Call 1-855-260-3274

“We encourage veterans to contact our mental health staff at 573-686-4151, extension 54473, to learn more about the services available to them,” DeWitt concluded.
