August 3, 2021

The Dexter Board of Aldermen had a busy evening Monday passing several ordinances and resolutions. Brad Clark with Bootheel Regional Planning addressed the board members to update them on the progress of the grant for the wastewater project involving the purchase and installation of the ultraviolet disinfecting technology...

The Dexter Board of Aldermen had a busy evening Monday passing several ordinances and resolutions.

Brad Clark with Bootheel Regional Planning addressed the board members to update them on the progress of the grant for the wastewater project involving the purchase and installation of the ultraviolet disinfecting technology.

Clark said two bids were received for the project. The bids were from Smith and Company and Waters Engineering. The amount of the bids were not released at the meeting. Clark said the board would need to accept one of the bids, send a letter to the company not chosen and pass certain ordinances to meet requirements to be considered for the grant.

The city had these practices required for the grant in place but some required amendments.

The first grant was an amendment to the city’s fair housing ordinance, which creates a fair housing committee. The committee will consist of five members and this committee will address any complaints issued in regards to the fair housing practice.

The first resolution approved accepted the bid from Waters Engineering for the engineering work on the wastewater project.

The second resolution approved will allow Mayor Jason Banken to submit a grant application to the Housing and Urban Development under the Missouri Community Development Block Grant.

The next ordinance approved was the annual abatement of outstanding water deposit checks for 2020, certain taxes for 2013 through 2020, outstanding accounts payable checks for 2020 and city court fines for 2020.

The next set of ordinances had no bearing on the proposed grant. The next ordinance raised the hookup rates and deposit for water/sewer service with the city. The new rate to connect to water/sewer service with the city is $50. An additional $35 fee will be charged if service is connected after 4 p.m. The deposit will now be $125 to be paid prior to connection of service. This deposit is refundable upon request after five years of continuous service in the same location, provided the customer has kept his/her account current.

All accounts that are delinquent by at least two months during the month of December will be closed and the security deposit will be applied to such closed account. Service will be terminated immediately upon notification of a nonsufficient funds check. A $40 service fee will then be applied. The new deposit and hookup frees will go into effect on Sept. 1.

The next ordinance applies a 3% convenience fee to credit/debit card payments. This ordinance will also go into effect on Sept. 1.

The next ordinance makes lawfully punishable by city ordinance to repeatedly misuse the 911 system. The ordinance defines repeatedly as three or more times in a three-month period.

An ordinance was approved making animal neglect unlawful by city ordinance. This is already unlawful by state law and now by city ordinance, as well allowing the city’s code enforcer to enforce this. This means the offender will have to appear in city court.

Other business

The street department has picked up about 80% of the debris resulting from the EF2 tornado on July 10. It was reported that 400 to 500 loads have been picked up.

The police and water departments were affected by COVID-19. Police Chief Hank Trout said he expected the last member of the police department with COVID-19 to return on Tuesday, bringing the department back to full strength. Two water department employees were sent home as a precaution after a family member tested positive.

The police department has also acquired two new radar units, which were funded by a grant.

Dexter fire chief Don Seymore said the department is currently testing fire hydrants. He said anyone experiencing rusty water or low water pressure can expect this to be alleviated soon when the work is finished.

Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Alisha Trammell said she, Economic Development Coordinator Ed Dust and City Administrator Trevor Pulley recently traveled to Louisiana to meet with a developer in regards to the development project on Highway 25 and Highway 60.

Mayor Banken asked the board to approve a resort and Sunday sales liquor license for Wings of Dexter, DBA Wings ETC, and to approve a plumber’s application for Halls Service Co. Heating and Cooling. Both were approved by the board.
