April 26, 2021

**UPDATE** Treece has been located safe in Tennessee An Endangered Silver Advisory has been issued for a missing Caruthersville man. Authorities say Ray Treece, 85, left his home on Route U in Caruthersville Sunday evening. Treece was traveling to Pemiscot Memorial Hospital in Hayti but never arrived...

UPDATE** Treece has been located safe in Tennessee

An Endangered Silver Advisory has been issued for a missing Caruthersville man. Authorities say Ray Treece, 85, left his home on Route U in Caruthersville Sunday evening. Treece was traveling to Pemiscot Memorial Hospital in Hayti but never arrived.

Treece is 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighs 180 pounds, has white hair, blue eyes and walks with a limp on the left side. Authorities say he was last seen wearing a blue and white checkered button-up shirt, blue jeans and Nike tennis shoes. Treece is driving gray 2018 Ford Edge bearing the Missouri license plat 5HJ04 and was last seen westbound from Caruthersville on Route U. Authorities say Treece has been diagnosed as being in the early stages of dementia and has a history of getting lost while driving.

Anyone who has seen Treece or the vehicle or has any information regarding this case should dial 911 to contact the nearest law enforcement agency or call the Caruthersville Police Department at 573-333-2121.
