January 25, 2021

The Stoddard County Health Center has began a COVID-19 vaccination sign-up sheet on its website at http://www.stoddardcountyhealth.com/. “The sign-up is available to everyone in the county, however, once we receive vaccine, it will be dispersed according to tiered phases set in place by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services,” said Director Ben Godwin. ...

The Stoddard County Health Center has began a COVID-19 vaccination sign-up sheet on its website at http://www.stoddardcountyhealth.com/.

“The sign-up is available to everyone in the county, however, once we receive vaccine, it will be dispersed according to tiered phases set in place by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services,” said Director Ben Godwin. “These Phases must be strictly adhered to. We've been told, if they are not followed, it will hinder further receipt of vaccine. We currently have multiple vaccine orders placed, but have still yet to receive any. Plans are in place for disbursement that include our collaboration with SoutheastHEALTH, Dexter, once vaccines are in hand.”

Godwin said the Missouri National Guard is hosting mass vaccination events throughout Southeast Missouri. Upcoming events are scheduled at Cape County on Jan. 29 and Pemiscot County on Feb. 5.

“These clinics are open to any Missouri resident, they are not limited to residents of the hosting county. They are currently scheduled to run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and hope to provide ~2000 vaccinations at each location. We encourage everyone to sign up for these clinics,” said Godwin. “Sign-up sheets are being made available for each site approximately one week prior to the date of the clinic, and most are available on the those health departments websites or Facebook pages. They will take appointments on a first-come-first-serve basis.”

Godwin said the Stoddard County Public Health Center signed up to host a mass vaccination event. However, the state is trying to spread the events throughout the state and due to the recent event held in Butler County and the upcoming event in Cape County, Stoddard County will not host and event anytime soon.

“Please know that we are doing everything we can to get vaccinations into our county,” said Godwin. “We will continue to do whatever it takes helps our chances until the needs of the residents of Stoddard County are met.”
