January 5, 2021

The first board of aldermen meeting following the death of city administrator Mark Stidham started with an emotional address from Dexter Mayor Jason Banken. “It is with a heavy heart we are here, without Mark (Stidham) here with us,” said Banken. “I dreaded this one all day, to have that happen and to have this meeting. But we must carry on and go along, that is what he would want, too. We will always have his memory and his guidance with us.”...

The first board of aldermen meeting following the death of city administrator Mark Stidham started with an emotional address from Dexter Mayor Jason Banken.

“It is with a heavy heart we are here, without Mark (Stidham) here with us,” said Banken. “I dreaded this one all day, to have that happen and to have this meeting. But we must carry on and go along, that is what he would want, too. We will always have his memory and his guidance with us.”

Banken thanked the city department heads for their work in keeping the city going, as well as city clerk Crystal Bishop for keeping calls directed to the correct departments.

“There are all kinds of things Mark did that are goimg to be hard to replace as we go on, but we will try to do that,” said Banken. “I would like to thank everyone in this room for keeping the city going and we will march on as best we can.”


The board passed two resolutions Monday evening. The first will allow Mayor Banken to apply for a TAP Grant from the Department of Transportation on behalf of the city. The grant, if received, will allow the city to extend the walking trail further down Arvin Road to the Walmart entrance.

The second will allow the city to apply for federal assistance from the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program. This assistance, if approved, would help with the purchase of equipment for the new all inclusive playground that will be constructed at Boon Park.

This was originally approved during the December meeting. However, Parks and Recreation Director Jamie Rowe said the city was unable to apply during the 2020 cycle. This required the board to revise the resolution for the 2021 cycle.


Development Report

Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Alisha Trammell informed the board of aldermen that Dexter businesses received over $991,000 in CARES Act money. This amounted to 86% of total funds for small businesses in the county.

Trammell said Congress has passed a second round of paycheck protection loans. She said applications would be taken until March 31 or until funds run out. She said a couple of local bankers indicated that applications could be available as early as this week. She said businesses that want to apply need to start making arrangements.

There are two differences this time around. The business will have to show a greater than 25% reduction in gross receipts during the first, second, third or fourth quarters between 2019 and 2020. Trammell said this will mean that some businesses who qualified for the loan the first time will not qualify this time. The second change is small businesses will not have to pay taxes on the forgivable amount.

Trammell also informed the board that chamber membership increased in size in 2020 by 43 members (34 new members and nine members who rejoined). She said chamber profits increased by 45% in 2020.

Other Business

Rowe informed the board that the Dog Park Committee will be meeting soon to lay out plans for the grand opening of the dog park in Dexter. Rowe said these pans will be presented to the board at the February meeting. The grand opening is planned for the spring

The Dexter Parks and Recreation Department is collecting live Christmas trees in the parking lot of the Dexter Aquatic Center until January 29. The trees will then be donated to the Conservation Department and other area ponds.

The board Mayor Banken’s approved the appointment of Gena Driskill and Tyler Juden to four year terms on the Planing and Zoning Board.

Executive Session

The board moved to an executive session following the adjournment of the open session to address the city administrator position. During the executive session Dexter City Clerk Crystal Bishop was appointed the interim Dexter City Administrator. The city will begin advertising at a later date for a permanent city administrator.
