November 23, 2020

The 12th Annual Dexter Christmas Reading is going virtual amid concerns over the rising number of COVID-19 cases. The event will be broadcast from inside the chapel at Mathis Funeral Home on Saturday, Nov. 28. Event founder/organizer Greg Mathis said he made the decision because it just wasn’t worth the risk...

The 12th Annual Dexter Christmas Reading is going virtual amid concerns over the rising number of COVID-19 cases. The event will be broadcast from inside the chapel at Mathis Funeral Home on Saturday, Nov. 28.

Event founder/organizer Greg Mathis said he made the decision because it just wasn’t worth the risk.

“We made the decision to go virtual after I had seen the CEOs of Saint Francis Medical Center and SoutheastHEALTH in Cape Girardeau on television last week,” said Mathis. “They were urging folks to be safe and respect others and watch crowds.

“If we have good weather, which it looks like we are projected to have, we could have upwards of 500 people there,” continued Mathis. “We just didn’t feel like it was worth the risk to put anybody in harm’s way.”

There will be a link to the event on the Mathis Funeral Home Facebook page. The Crowley Ridge Mennonite Choir will perform Christmas carols again this year starting at 5:45 p.m. The reading will follow at 6 p.m. with the Mennonite Choir performing again after the reading.

Additionally, Mathis said the funeral home has ordered 700 Christmas facial coverings for the event and anyone who would like one can stop by the funeral home and pick one up. The coverings also feature the Dexter Christmas Reading logo.

It is hoped that the reading can go back to the live event in 2021.
