A Dexter man has been charged with enticement of a child following his arrest.
According to the probable cause statement, Robert James Cooper, 40, of Dexter was arrested by the Dexter Police at the Dexter Inn on Sept. 28 following an enticement of a child investigation.
The Dexter Police began an investigation on Sept. 26 when Detective Cory Mills was notified by a private citizen residing in Wayne County that she had received a friend request on Facebook from Cooper. The woman, identified as Jane Doe, told Mills Cooper’s request had a photo of an adult male with facial hair and wearing a baseball cap.
“Jane Doe was immediately asked her age and replied ‘13’,” said Mills. “Jane Doe stated during a 30 minute conversation via messenger with Cooper, he inquired if she wanted to be a 13 year old slave in his closet.”
Mills said in the statement that Cooper talked to Jane Doe about tying her up, having sex and getting her pregnant. Mills said he instructed her to keep the conversation going until he could identify the suspect.
Mills said on Sept. 27 he again spoke with Jane Doe. She indicated that Cooper’s language escalated and he continued to talk about tying her up and having sex with her. According to Mills, Cooper also talked about getting Jane Doe pregnant, then locking her up.
On September 28, Mills identified the suspect as Cooper.
“I took over Jane Doe’s fictitious Facebook account by using a department issued mobile device,” said Mills. “I continued corresponding with Cooper and arranged to meet him at the Dexter Inn.”
According to the statement Mills and Corporal Thomas Forkum went to the Dexter Inn at 6 p.m. on September 28 and waited in a hotel room.
Mills stated at 6:49 p.m. a green SUV pulled up to the Dexter Inn and Cooper got holding two blankets and a suitcase. Cooper knocked on the door and was greeted by Mills and Forkum. Mills said he placed Cooper in custody, at which time Cooper stated “I didn’t know she was 13”.
Mills said Cooper was transported to the Dexter police station where he declined an interview. Mills said on Sept. 29, Cooper waived his rights and agreed to make a statement.
Cooper then admitted to corresponding with what he thought was a 13-year-old girl. Cooper denied he was going to have sex with her and apologized for his actions. Mills said Cooper also admitted to chatting with two additional underage females on Sept. 27.
Mills said Cooper gave consent to allow Mills to search his suitcase.
Mills said he then searched the suitcase and found it contained four adult pornographic movies, three bundles of nylon colored rope, two gagging ball sex toys, one black blindfold, one pair of silver handcuffs and other items.
According to Mils Cooper has a prior conviction in Texas for theft of a human corpse.
"I would Like to thank the Dexter Inn for their help in getting this alleged prediter off the street," said Dexter Police Chief Trevor Pulley. "The Dexter Inn was very gracious and helpful assisting us with this investigation."
Cooper was transported to the Stoddard County Jail where he is being held without bond. Cooper is scheduled to appear before Judge Joe Z. Satterfield on Oct. 15 for a preliminary hearing.