August 18, 2020

Editor’s Note: This is part two of a two-part story regarding the re-entry plans for Stoddard County schools. The schools are presented in alphabetical order. The Stoddard County schools have released their re-entry plans for the 2020-21 school year amid the COVID-19 pandemic on social media as well as their respective websites. As the COVID-19 situation changes frequently, the re-entry plans may as well...

Editor’s Note: This is part two of a two-part story regarding the re-entry plans for Stoddard County schools. The schools are presented in alphabetical order.

The Stoddard County schools have released their re-entry plans for the 2020-21 school year amid the COVID-19 pandemic on social media as well as their respective websites. As the COVID-19 situation changes frequently, the re-entry plans may as well.


Bloomfield, like other districts, will encourage parents and staff to screen for fever and symptoms at home before leaving for school. Parents/guardians are encouraged to provide transportation.

Bus capacity will be limited to maintain social distancing standards and students will be assigned seats, according to family groups. Buses will be sanitized after each route.

The Bloomfield campus will not be open until 7:35 a.m. each day and students will report directly to their homeroom or first hour class. The district will follow guidance from the Stoddard County Health Department, the state of Missouri, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.)

The district will increase sanitation of high traffic areas throughout the school day. Like other districts in the county, water fountains have been disabled and bottle fillers have been placed in all buildings. Additional handwashing stations have been installed, and additional hand sanitizers have been placed around campus.

Breakfast and lunch will be served in the cafeteria, classrooms and other locations. Students will be able to bring their lunch if they wish.

All classrooms will have a permanent seating chart and clear dividers will be used where social distancing cannot be observed. Staff will wear masks where a distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained. Middle school and high school students will wear masks in the hallways and when entering/exiting the building.

All classrooms/subject areas will focus on essential standards. The building counselors and the district social worker will provide social-emotional support. Elementary students will stay with cohort groups. All electives will be offered by the district.


As have other schools in the district, Puxico is encouraging parents to transport their children to school. Bus capacity will be limited with social distancing to the extent possible. The district also is asking parents to screen their children for COVID-19 symptoms and fever before leaving for school. Students will be assigned seats, according to family groups, and additional bus passes will not be given for guest riders going home with other students. Parents will need to transport guests going home with students. Buses will be sanitized after each route.

The district will increase the sanitation of high traffic areas throughout the school day, along with additional sanitation practices that have been put into place. Additional hand sanitizer has been placed around the school. The district in encouraging students to bring a clear, reusable empty water bottle to school each day. Bottle fillers will be placed around the buildings.

Meals will be served in the cafeteria, classrooms and other locations. Students will be permitted to bring their own lunch and additional hand sanitation stations will be located in the cafeteria.

The district said in its plan that all classrooms will have a stable seating chart and areas will be cleaned between use. The school will have face masks available for any staff or students for personal use. Students and staff are encouraged to wear masks/shields where social distancing cannot be maintained. Students will be distanced as far as possible. Campus visitors will be restricted to essential learning services.

The Puxico School District will follow guidance from the Stoddard County Health Department, state of Missouri, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, MSHSAA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Richland, as other schools in county have done, is asking both staff and students to screen themselves for COVID-19 symptoms daily. Parents are asked to check their children for fever and symptoms before leaving for school. The district has included a list of questions in its back-to-school plan posted on the district website for students and staff to answer daily.

The district has purchased solutions that will kill COVID-19 and other viruses, as well as the proper applicators. Buses and buildings will be cleaned and treated. Hand sanitizer will be in every room and office on the school campus. Staff members will also have Clorox wipes to clean hard surfaces. The district is encouraging everyone to wash their hands frequently and avoid touching their face.

The Richland School District has also installed new water fountains with bottle fillers. This will allow students and staff to bring a container with a lid to fill with water during the day. Water bottles and other beverages cannot be shared.

On the first day of school, the district has asked parents to bring their children in prekindergarten through kindergarten to the pavilion on the elementary playground rather than the cafeteria. The pavilion will allow room for social distancing.

Elementary students will be asked to go to the cafeteria every day before school to allow them the opportunity to eat breakfast. Students dropped off by their parents and have had breakfast may proceed to the common area. When dropping off a student, parents are asked to remain in their vehicle. Someone will be on hand to supervise the students.

When picking up a child during the day, parents should buzz in as normal and proceed to the office. Masks/face coverings are encouraged. Visitors may be screened depending on how long they plan to stay. Anyone found to have a temparature or symptoms may be asked to leave campus immediately.

The cafeteria will be cleaned between each lunch shift with the plan being to keep the lunch shifts on normal schedule. Parents will not be able to drop off lunch to their children nor will they or grandparents be permitted to eat with them on campus this year.

Students and staff who have a close family member or anyone living under the same roof test positive or are showing symptoms should stay home. Additionally if a student or staff member tests positive, they may not return until they receive medical clearance.

It is planned at this time to hold all activities. They will be conducted under recommendations set forth by the governor, DESE, local health department, MSHSAA and the CDC.

Depending on the recommendations, some events may be conducted with limited attendance or no spectators. Richland will do everything possible to broadcast all activities.

All students will be issued a Chromebook or iPad. Parents of all students will have the option of purchasing a $20 insurance package for the devices, which will cover all accidental damages to the student’s computer. Teachers will be recording themselves and uploading so their students can access teacher instructions.

Should the district shut down or any students out due to COVID-19, distance learning will be available.

For people without internet at their house, internet connections will be put in strategic locations throughout the district for 24-hour connectivity. Connections points will be located at Mae Hall Park, Triangle Park, Grayridge, Penermon and other locations.
