July 22, 2020

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of four stories on the candidate forum hosted Tuesday, July 21, by the Missouri Farm Bureau. Due to the number of candidates that spoke, we are breaking the story into parts to represent each candidate fairly. The Missouri Farm Bureau hosted a candidate forum before a full venue at The Gathering on Tuesday evening. The forum gave candidates a chance to address the voters prior to the August primary election...

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of four stories on the candidate forum hosted Tuesday, July 21, by the Missouri Farm Bureau. Due to the number of candidates that spoke, we are breaking the story into parts to represent each candidate fairly.

The Missouri Farm Bureau hosted a candidate forum before a full venue at The Gathering on Tuesday evening. The forum gave candidates a chance to address the voters prior to the August primary election.

The candidates were given three minutes to speak followed by questions from those in attendance. The candidates were then given two minutes to summarize their stance on the issues.

Moderator Gary Wyman opened the evening leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Wyman then introduced local officials in attendance who are not up for re-election in 2020. They were Stoddard County Clerk Cecil Weeks, Prosecuting Attorney Russ Oliver, Presiding Commissioner Danny Talkington, Circuit Clerk Paula Yancey and Recorder Kay Asbell, who was unable to attend. Also introduce was Public Administrator Cindy Duckworth who is running unopposed.

All candidates who spoke represented the Republican Party, except a candidate for Stoddard County Collector. All candidates for each race came forward when called by Wyman. The candidates then spoke in alphabetical order, according to last name.

Pike Township committeeman

The first candidate to speak Tuesday evening was Pike Township Committeeman candidate Gabe Hazel. Hazel is running against Josh Speakman, who is also running for the Stoddard County Collector position and spoke later in the evening.

“I am a lifelong resident of Advnace, Missouri and I come from a blue collar family of concrete cement masons,” said Hazel.

“And the fact I went to law school should tell you everything you need to know about my ability to finish concrete.”

Hazel told the audience he worked at a Toyota plant after obtaining his bachelors degree so his wife could finish her law degree.

Hazel told the audience he finished his law degree from Southern Illinois University School of Law once his wife had obtained hers. He said he worked at the domestic violence clinic at SIU. Hazel stated he helped victims of domestic violence get orders of protection from their abusers. He also stated he worked at the elder abuse clinic where he drafted legal documents for elderly citizens at no charge. He stated he currently resides in Advance and works as an attorney in Bloomfield.

Stoddard County collector/treasurer

This race features two candidates who will not meet head to head until the general election in November. Democratic incumbent Carla Moore and Republican Josh Speakman will be unopposed in the August primary.

Moore spoke first and spoke of her experience with managing the budget.

“I have always submitted to the Stoddard County Commission a workable budget that is responsible and respectful to our Stoddard County citizens,” said Moore. “In the past I have returned to Stoddard County out of my budget enough money to pay for the Stoddard County assessor's GIS software, which was used for mapping of property parcels that saved $150,000 for the assessment fund and general revenue.”

Moore also stated she has long supported law enforcement.

“When several of our local law enforcement officers were going to lose a portion of their salary because of a change in rules that governed the grant that was paying that portion,” said Moore, “I offered money from the budget to make up the difference I have a history of supporting law enforcement long before current candidates found it beneficial to their campaign to tell you they will not allow defunding of our law enforcement community.”

Moore also invited everyone to fact-check everything she said. There were no questions for Moore during the question session.

“I have the experience, knowledge and proven track record to ensure the office of Stoddard County collector/treasurer is run in a conservative and respectful manner of the citizens of Stoddard County,” said Moore in summary.

Speakman spoke of his upbringing, saying he grew up in Bell City. He stated he learned about hard work, integrity and determination while working on a farm growing up. He said he also learned how adding those three descriptors will make you an exceptional employee and pay off not just at work but in life in general.

“This is exactly the kind of mentality that I want to take to be the next collector and treasurer,” stated Speakman.

Speakman stated during his time on the farm he met a close friend who was an avid member of the Bell City community. It was through this friendship and taking mental notes from this individual that led him to get involved in public service. Speakman joined the volunteer fire department.

Speakman also spoke of his pride in his military service, saying it was second only to the birth of his children.

Speakman was asked by an audience member what he could bring to the position.

“A fresh face, a conservative agenda, just cohesiveness amongst the offices in Bloomfield,” answered Speakman. “A different perspective in general to that office: new, fresh blood.”

Speakman summarized by finishing his thought from the first part of his speech. Speakman said after his military service he began working as a dispatcher for Stoddard County 911, saying it was a rewarding but challenging experience. He then decided he wanted to work in the field with the men and women of law enforcement, EMS and fire. He left the dispatch job with 911.

He said he served as the appointed fire chief at Bell City. Speakman stated during this time a couple of programs were implemented to lessen the burden on taxpayers and are still being used. He obtained his paramedic license and became a flight paramedic.

“I want to give the people an option, an option to vote for the only Republican candidate, the only conservative candidate,” said Speakman. “I want to bring cohesiveness to the offices in Bloomfield, fresh ideas to save taxpayer money where and if it can be saved without cutting corners.”
