June 10, 2020

At a special meeting Tuesday evening, the Dexter School Board was dissolved and reorganized after approving the results of the school board election that took place on June 2. Ben Worley retained his spot on the board while Saren Demaree and Ron Glaus were elected newcomers to the board. Demaree and Glaus are filling the spots vacated by Kevin Bishop, who resigned last summer after taking a new job out of state, and Yewell “Bud” Lawrence, who did not run for re-election...

At a special meeting Tuesday evening, the Dexter School Board was dissolved and reorganized after approving the results of the school board election that took place on June 2.

Ben Worley retained his spot on the board while Saren Demaree and Ron Glaus were elected newcomers to the board. Demaree and Glaus are filling the spots vacated by Kevin Bishop, who resigned last summer after taking a new job out of state, and Yewell “Bud” Lawrence, who did not run for re-election.

The new officers are Jim Reiker, president; Ben Worley, vice president; Laura Miller, secretary and Nancy Mayer, treasurer.

Miller administered the oath of office to Worley, Demaree and Glaus prior to the election of officers.

The new board had two other pieces of business. The first was to approve the final part of the change orders of the bond construction. Due to interest rates and coming in under budget, additional projects were possible.

In this phase, 10 brick columns and a wrought iron fence will be constructed and will run from the pass gate to the entrance of Charles Bland Stadium.

The third-grade playground at Central Elementary will be rearranged/moved prior to the start of the school year. Some of the equipment will be relocated to a higher elevation in the same area. This will allow students to access the equipment after rains. Currently this is difficult due to water runoff added by the current construction.

Additional concrete will be poured at Southwest Elementary between the kindergarten playground and the building. This will give the students a place to line up before entering the building. The cost of these three projects is $137,725. However, after negotiations with the CTS Group, the company overseeing the construction, a $15,225 discount was received by the school.

The last project to be funded out of the energy savings component of the bond will be the replacement of the two sets of exterior doors on the north side of the high school. There is a set on the upper and lower levels of the building. The cost of this project will be $16,918.

The final piece of business was the amendment of the budgets to account for the interest gained from the bonds and refund of the bond in March. These amendments are necessary to make throughout the bond process.

The regular June meeting will be June 25 at 6 p.m
