May 22, 2020

BLOOMFIELD — The courts of the 35th Judicial Circuit, including Stoddard County, will begin reopening and conducting more in-person proceedings after Memorial Day. No administrative order has been issued by Presiding Circuit Judge Robert Mayer directing the courts to reopen; however, he recently sent a memorandum to attorneys practicing in the circuit regarding court operations and a notice to the Supreme Court...

Michelle Friedrich Staff Writer

BLOOMFIELD — The courts of the 35th Judicial Circuit, including Stoddard County, will begin reopening and conducting more in-person proceedings after Memorial Day.

No administrative order has been issued by Presiding Circuit Judge Robert Mayer directing the courts to reopen; however, he recently sent a memorandum to attorneys practicing in the circuit regarding court operations and a notice to the Supreme Court.

In his Tuesday notice to the Supreme Court, Mayer wrote that the 35th Judicial Circuit would move to operating phase one on June 1 in Stoddard County and Wednesday in Dunklin County.

In his earlier memorandum, Mayer said, the decision was made to keep the original restrictions in place until late May/early June “after meeting with the judges here in the 35th Circuit en banc.”

Mayer further said it was his plan to “lift some of the restrictions and allow in-person court appearances to take place under certain guidelines and safety restrictions.

“However, should the circumstances change and the area experience an increase in coronavirus cases the court has the authority to bring the more strenuous restrictions back into place if merited.”

Stoddard County confirmed its 67th COVID-19 positive case on Thursday, the same day as its third death related to the coronavirus.

The deaths are related to a COVID-19 outbreak at Crowley Ridge Care Center and involved residents living at the facility. A total of 26 residents and eight staff members have tested positive.

Dunklin County confirmed its 25th COVID-19 case on Tuesday. The county has had two deaths.

Mayer said court personnel have been working with the local county health departments and county commissions to implement protocols and guidelines to make the courtrooms and surrounding areas safer and lessen the risk of spreading the virus while in court.

Those discussions, Mayer said, have been ongoing.

“At this time, a date has not been determined on when to resume jury trials for the circuit,” Mayer said. “Hopefully, when a reduction in COVID-19 cases occurs, and when the protocols and guidelines are put in place and found to be effective, we can assure the general public of their safety and resume holding jury trials as needed.”

Mayer said it may be possible to resume jury trials in June or July.
