November 23, 2019

The annual book sale at the Keller Public Library took place today (Saturday) from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The majority of the books in the sale have been donated and others have been taken out of circulation at the library. Hardback books are sold for $0.50, paperback books are $0.25 and children's books are $0.10. The proceeds will go toward the purchase of new materials for the library and the books not sold will be donated to various charities...

The annual book sale at the Keller Public Library took place today (Saturday) from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The majority of the books in the sale have been donated and others have been taken out of circulation at the library. Hardback books are sold for $0.50, paperback books are $0.25 and children's books are $0.10. The proceeds will go toward the purchase of new materials for the library and the books not sold will be donated to various charities.
