May 28, 2019

Dexter School Board has approved funding for a second school resource officer, after finishing the first year of a program that keeps law enforcement on campus. This is done in partnership with the city. “With the size of our district, we decided it would be prudent for the safety of our students,” said Superintendent C.A. Counts...

Donna Farley Associate Editor

Dexter School Board has approved funding for a second school resource officer, after finishing the first year of a program that keeps law enforcement on campus.

This is done in partnership with the city.

“With the size of our district, we decided it would be prudent for the safety of our students,” said Superintendent C.A. Counts.

The Board of Education addressed this and other matters during a meeting May 21.

The district will pay $40,000 toward the salary of each officer, with the city of Dexter picking up any remaining costs for benefits and other expenses.

The first year of having an SRO was a success, but highlighted the need for an additional officer, Counts said.

“We knew going in this would be a trial run, to see if this was enough. It was evident it spreads one too thin with the size of the school district,” he explained.

One officer will be based at the high school/Southwest Elementary, while the second will be based at Central/middle school.

They will be available in all the buildings, but that is how their time will predominantly be split up, Counts said.

“If anything does happen, we’re going to have two licensed law officials that can be on site in any kind of emergency situation in minutes, if not seconds,” he said.

A budget change was also approved to reflect income and expenses related to the district’s ongoing renovation and improvement projects. It includes an initial $1.6 million related to the 2018-2019 projects and $77,700 for bond indebtedness fees related to the same projects.

A portion of the district’s construction projects are taking place in the current budget year, but the majority will occur in the budget for the next school year, Counts said. The board expects to approve that budget in June.

Summer school started May 20 and will go through June 14, with about 700 students enrolled.

The district does not expect these classes to be disrupted by construction.

Schools also reported ending the school year with the following attendance: high school, 96.44%; Central Elementary, 96%; Southwest Elementary, 95.21%; and middle school, 96.55%.

Principal reports to the board included:

High school

• Reports 135 students have signed up for credit acquisition, and 24 students have been recommended for credit recovery.

• This is the second year of using four-year plans for students, and staff believe it is helping students begin to think about college and careers.

Middle school

• Construction has started and students are adapting well, according to the building report. Attendance during MAP testing days was over 99%.

Central Elementary

• During the May 15 awards ceremony, 20 students had 100 percent attendance; fourth quarter honor roll included, 73 third graders, 66 fourth graders and 68 fifth graders.

• 585 students have registered for summer school.

Southwest Elementary

• Changes in procedure during kindergarten graduation created a safer environment for pick ups, staff reported.

• A May 8 luncheon organized by the Parent Teacher Organization recognized teachers years of service and hard work during Teacher Appreciation Week.
