January 15, 2019

The Puxico School Board held its monthly meeting at the administration building. The meeting was opened with a prayer lead by board member Dusty Stroud. The first order of business was the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. The board then moved on to the payment of monthly bills. The board reviewed the list of bills due. After a motion by board member J.W. Mattingly, the board approved the payment of the bills with a unanimous vote...

The Puxico School Board held its monthly meeting at the administration building. The meeting was opened with a prayer lead by board member Dusty Stroud.

The first order of business was the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. The board then moved on to the payment of monthly bills. The board reviewed the list of bills due. After a motion by board member J.W. Mattingly, the board approved the payment of the bills with a unanimous vote.

Superintendent John Garner then reviewed the budget with the board. Garner indicated that although the school was over budget in a few areas, action was being taken to correct the situation. After the review budget was approved unanimously by the board, Garner also informed the board the used school bus purchased at the December meeting was ready for pick up by the school

Reports were then presented to the board by school representatives. High School Principal Cindy Crab informed the board that the high school had 40 students enrolled in courses that added up to 132 college hours. Crab also stated that they were striving to improve ACT scores. Students would be offered an ACT prep course to help them prepare for the test. She also informed the board that college algebra is no longer required for many college degrees.

Junior High Assistant principal Shana Kight informed the board that math help would be provided to students who are in need of it. Junior high students have time at the end of each school day known as pride time. This time is allows students to catch up on home work. It was noted that by the end of the day the studenst have not been as focused on the school work. Adjustments will be made to the time and themes added to spark the students interest.

It was also reported to the board that recent a sexual abuse presentation for students in kindergarten through fifth grade received positive feedback. Coloring books, crossword puzzles and dolls were used in the educational presentation.

The board was told more staff would be trained to help with dismissal lines at the end of the school day. This will increase safety and move lines along quicker at the end of the school day. New touch screen computers are also being introduced at the schools.

Superintendent Garner informed the board the government shutdown could affect the school. USDA reimbursements may not be available until March due to the shutdown.

The board was able to read an evaluation of the Parent Education Programs (PTO, PAT, Title 1 and Title 1 Family Night). The evaluation was approved by the board.

An evaluation was read on the Community Education Program. This program assists residents in acquiring their GED and furthering their education. The board was informed by Crab that the nearest GED testing site was Cape Girardeau. The school would direct people to the Department of Education website for practice tests. The evaluation was approved.

An evaluation of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) was also read and approved. This is a very intensive program designed to improve the district’s student achievement, performance levels, programs and services.

Superintendent Garner met with Scott Downing with McKinstry Essentials LL. Garner and Downing discussed a possible contract that would allow McKinstry to perform a DES survey and evaluate the electric usage of the school district. The district would then be retrofitted with LED lighting. This would save the district money on electric usage. The board tabled this item for further consideration. The meeting then adjourned to the executive session.
