November 24, 2015

The day after everyone gives thanks with their family, many will fight crowds for all the holiday savings they can get during the busiest shopping day of the year. And, while the Black Friday bargains may be too tempting to ignore, Dexter Police Chief Sammy Stone warned that the frenzied crowds are also tempting for thieves...

The day after everyone gives thanks with their family, many will fight crowds for all the holiday savings they can get during the busiest shopping day of the year.

And, while the Black Friday bargains may be too tempting to ignore, Dexter Police Chief Sammy Stone warned that the frenzied crowds are also tempting for thieves.

"There are lots of things that shoppers can do to protect themselves," Stone explained. "They just need to be aware of what is going on."

For instance, Stone said, many people tend to forget to lock their vehicle doors.

"You wouldn't believe the number of reports that we get every year from people who have had a laptop or tablet stolen from their vehicle while they were shopping," Stone remarked. "Just locking your doors is extremely helpful. But so many people forget because they're focused on shopping."

Stone also explained that women carrying purses with long straps should keep their purses strapped across their bodies.

"And don't leave your purse or wallet sitting out somewhere, or in a shopping cart," Stone advised. "It only takes a second and everything can be snatched while your back is turned."

Stone went on to advise parking under direct light if you're shopping at night.

"Stay in well lit areas," Stone said. "And when you're walking to your vehicle, make sure you have your keys or remote entry device in hand and ready to go."

In addition to the potential threats people can face while shopping, Stone said there are other potential threats at home, as well.

"If you're going to have a lot of presents under the tree, don't leave your blinds open and make a big display of it," Stone remarked. "When you leave, close your blinds and make sure all your doors are locked."

Stone said another helpful tip is keeping the television on and turned up.

"If they think that someone is home, they usually aren't going to try to break in," he said.

Stone cautioned that, while it hasn't yet been the case in Dexter, daytime home invasions have become more common recently.

"This time of year, people get more desperate," Stone explained. "So, it pays to do everything you can to protect what you have."

Stone advised that the different scams are still being attempted in the area.

"I get asked every week about the IRS scam where someone calls and says you owe them money," Stone said. "It is a scam. Don't fall for it. And if someone calls and says you got some money coming to you, don't send any money in order to get it. If you have to send money to get money, it's a scam."

Stone went on to advise that if you leave your home for more than a day, you need to have someone pick up your mail for you as a way to make it look as though someone is still home.

"Basically, we just want everyone to do what they can to protect themselves," Stone remarked. "Being aware of your surroundings and what's happening is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself."
