September 11, 2015

Dexter Mayor Joe Weber officially welcomed incoming Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kim Starnes at Monday night's aldermen meeting. Starnes was selected by a committee made up of the Chamber president and representatives of the city, local industry, economic development and Three Rivers College; and she is scheduled to take over for outgoing Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Janet Coleman in January...

Dexter Mayor Joe Weber officially welcomed incoming Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kim Starnes at Monday night's aldermen meeting.

Starnes was selected by a committee made up of the Chamber president and representatives of the city, local industry, economic development and Three Rivers College; and she is scheduled to take over for outgoing Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Janet Coleman in January.

"We just want to officially welcome you to Dexter," Weber said. "And we look forward to the good things you'll do for our community."

Starnes thanked Weber, and said Coleman is leaving "some big shoes to fill."

During the city attorney's report, the board passed an ordinance that establishes criteria for someone to qualify for the position of Chamber of Commerce Executive Director.

The ordinance covers the appointment and tenure of an executive director, as well as noting that the compensation is to be determined by the Board of Aldermen.

The board also approved an ordinance to bring the city in compliance with a new law that requires municipalities to place a cap on municipal fines. Lawrence explained that the new ordinance wouldn't impact the city very much at all, and that the law was drafted in response to some questionable practices by larger municipalities that came to light after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

In other news, the board approved the hiring of Austin D. Emory to the position of dispatcher for the Dexter Police Department. Dexter Police Chief Sammy Stone noted that Emory has substantial dispatching experience, having worked for the Kennett Police Department and Pemiscott County.

The board also approved the appointment of four new volunteer fire fighters for the Dexter Fire Department. Dexter Fire Chief Don Seymore requested the appointment for Tyler Whitson, Dylan Poore, Josh Craft, and Chad Tilley.

During Department Head reports, Dexter Water/Wastewater Head Tom Espy informed the board that the pump station on Albert Street had a tank removed due to a defect that was discovered and later repaired.

Dexter City Administrator Mark Stidham followed Espy's report by telling the board that it has been advised the city replace all existing water meters.

"We've just been having problems with our existing meters that are still under warranty," Stidham explained. "But, at any given time, we've got about 400 meters that we're constantly having to work on."

Stidham informed the board that the company that sold the meters has offered to purchase them back while offering a $250,000 credit to the city toward the purchase of new meters. The total cost of the new meters is $317,340.

"I advise that we just go ahead and do it," Stidham remarked. "It makes good sense for us to do it now, rather than wait a couple years when the warranty runs out on the meters we have."

The board voted unanimously for the purchase of the new meters.
