CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. -- Ed Gargas of Dexter is one of two named this week by Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon to the Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents.
The appointment of Gargas, along with the appointment of Phillip Britt of Kennett, are subject to approval by the Missouri Senate.
The six-member Board of Regents appoints the president of the University, employs faculty and staff, and makes budgetary and policy decisions necessary to implement the University's mission.
Gargas replaces Doyle Privett of Kennett, and Britt replaces Daren Todd of Kennett. Both Privett's and Todd's terms on the Board have expired.
Gargas is the director of operations and sales for Bagby Wealth Management and has been in financial management and insurance positions since 1991. He is a commissioned officer in the Missouri Army National Guard and a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He earned his undergraduate degree from Southeast, his Master of Business Administration from William Woods University and a master's degree in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College. Gargas' term on the Board runs through Jan. 1, 2022.
Britt has served as the Drug Court Commissioner for the 35th Judicial Circuit since 2002. Prior to that, he was the elected state representative for the 163rd District in the Missouri House. Britt also served as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Dunklin and Pemiscot counties. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Southeast and his law degree from the University of Missouri. Britt's term on the Board runs through Jan. 1, 2022.