ESSEX, Mo. -- A joint reunion of the Richland High School Classes of 1968-71 will be held Saturday, Sept. 5 at 6 p.m. in the Richland School cafeteria.
Those wishing to partake of the catered meal, which is $15 per person, are asked to contact Marsha (Taylor) Keller at 573-283-5555 no later than Thursday, Sept. 3, if they haven't already done so. (If no answer, please leave a message and phone number).
Richland graduates and their spouses/guests from other years are also welcome to attend. Those not wishing to partake of the meal may come a bit later at no charge.
Also, if anyone knows the whereabouts or contact information for the following people from the class of 1970, please call the number listed above: Larry Barber, Barry Gaylord, Pam Watkins, Mary Brock, Junior Brock, Dennis Cornley, Bernice Clark, Mary Daniels, Sue Hensley, Tom Henson, Betty Kilgore, Linda Kelley, Sidney McClung, Darlene Tarrants and Claud Sloan.