June 13, 2015

A record crowd -- 128 children and 74 adults -- were present for Kim Cook's reading of, "New York's Bravest," this week at Keller Public Library's first summer reading session. Following story time, Fire Chief Don Seymore, along with Asst. Chief Dave Rowe and Firefighter Todd O'Dell, presented a program and then invited children outside to see one of the department's pumpers. ...

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A record crowd -- 128 children and 74 adults -- were present for Kim Cook's reading of, "New York's Bravest," this week at Keller Public Library's first summer reading session. Following story time, Fire Chief Don Seymore, along with Asst. Chief Dave Rowe and Firefighter Todd O'Dell, presented a program and then invited children outside to see one of the department's pumpers. The highlight of the morning, though, was an opportunity to run through the spray of water that came from atop the aerial ladder on the firetruck. Returning from her time under the shower is Julianna Gill, daughter of Cash and Heather Gill of Dexter. Additional photos may be found in Photo Galleries at www.dailystatesman.com.
