May 6, 2015

By MIKE MCCOY Statesman Staff Writer BERNIE, Mo. -- The Bernie Board of Aldermen awarded the contract for a sidewalk replacement project to Hessling Construction of Dexter at a cost of $29,471.91. The city is replacing 2,492 linear feet of sidewalks. The bid by Hessling was for $11.83 per linear foot...

The Bernie Board of Aldermen approved the results of the April 7 election and swore in three aldermen Monday night at their regular meeting. Shown above are, from left, Aldermen Ivan Mekan, Todd Young and Tim Gage being sworn in by City Clerk Gloria Dean. All three were unopposed in the election. For more on the meeting, see page one of today's newspaper.
MIKE MC COY Photo The Bernie Board of Aldermen approved the results of the April 7 election and swore in three aldermen Monday night at their regular meeting. Shown above are, from left, Aldermen Ivan Mekan, Todd Young and Tim Gage being sworn in by City Clerk Gloria Dean. All three were unopposed in the election. For more on the meeting, see page one of today's newspaper.


Statesman Staff Writer

BERNIE, Mo. -- The Bernie Board of Aldermen awarded the contract for a sidewalk replacement project to Hessling Construction of Dexter at a cost of $29,471.91. The city is replacing 2,492 linear feet of sidewalks. The bid by Hessling was for $11.83 per linear foot.

The city received four sealed bids after advertising for bids. The bids were: Jack Meese of Bernie, $14.50 per linear foot, Morgan's Construction of Dexter, $45,600 ($18.30 per square foot), L. Cobb Construction of Dexter, $39,700 ($15.93 per linear foot), and Hessling, $29,471.91.

Alderman Ivan Mekan said Hessling was the low bidder, and he thought the contract should go to the low bidder.

Mayor David Teeters said state statute requires the city to go with the low bidder unless there are special circumstances.

Alderman Ray Coats made the motion to award the contract to Hessling Construction, and it was seconded by Alderman Barry Zimmerman. It passed by a 4-2 vote, with Aldermen Todd Young and Tim Gage voting no.

Coats asked the two aldermen why they voted not to award the contract to the low bidder.

Young said he wanted to award the contract to a business in Bernie, not someone from another town. Gage agreed.

"What's the point of taking sealed bids if you're not going to award the contract to the low bidder?" asked Coats.

"It passed without our vote," said Young.

Mekan said Meese had done a very good job on past projects. He said he didn't think the city could justify not using the low bidder.

In other business, the aldermen approved an ordinance amending an old ordinance prohibiting the sale of fireworks in the city. The new ordinance would allow the sale of fireworks at established, licensed businesses within the city.

Mekan said he didn't see it stipulated in the ordinance when fireworks could be sold inside the city.

City Attorney Robin Northern said she wasn't told of a time frame when asked to prepare the ordinance, so it was not included. She noted that it is only legal to discharge fireworks within the city on July 4. It is legal at no other time.

Mekan said he just wanted to make sure shooting fireworks inside the city wasn't going to be a problem throughout the year

Gage made the motion to approve the ordinance, and it was seconded by Young. It passed by a 6-0 vote.

Aldermen approved the promotion of Christopher Costin to corporal in the police department and the hiring of John Skyler Hartline as a part-time reserve dispatcher/officer. Zimmerman, who represents the police department on the board, recommended the actions. The separate motions passed by unanimous votes.

Police Chief Justin Allen said school crossing guard George Terrill was unable to work due to health problems. He said Shannon Vancil had taken over the position until Terrell was able to resume duties. The aldermen voted 6-0 to retain Vancil as a school crossing guard. Also, Greg Martin was hired as a full-time employee in the maintenance department.

Bernie EMA Director Robbie Kennedy informed the board that an emergency siren in the city was found to have a problem when it was inspected recently. He said the "top part of the siren" was not functional. He said four of the five sections did operate normally, so the siren was still working. He said the siren needed repairing so that it could be heard throughout the city.

"We need to fix it," said Kennedy.

Kennedy originally said he received an estimate on repairs to the siren of between $450 and $500.

Young said it was important to have a fully functioning emergency warning system, and noted that this is the season for bad weather. He made the motion to have the siren repaired at a cost not to exceed $500, and it was seconded by Mekan. It passed by a 6-0 vote. Later, it was found that the actual letter from the repairer estimated the cost at $795. Mekan amended the motion to increase the maximum cost of repairs to $795, and it passed by a 6-0 vote.

Zimmerman said there was a problem with a broken pipe that is an important part of the city drainage system. He said the pipe was located near the old IXL plant and that about a three-foot section was gone.

Mekan said there had been problems there ever since the drainage pine was put in 20 or 25 years ago. He said a big portion of storm water in the city runs through the pipe. He said the board had previously approved repairing the pipe, but his could be a new problem.

Teeters said he and City Superintendent Roger Smith would look at the pipe and see what needed to be done.

The old board of aldermen adjourned and a new board convened. The results of the April 7 election were approved. City Clerk Gloria Dean swore in Mekan, Gage and Young, who were unopposed in the election. Young was elected chairman of the board, Gloria Dean was elected City Clerk and Linda Stevens was elected City Treasurer by the board. Mayor Teeters appointed Young and Mekan to the budget committee and appointments were made by Teeters to the various city committees.
