April 21, 2015

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission approved an agreement with the Stoddard County Ambulance District (SCAD) for the ambulance district to provide personnel and vehicles to tow a portable generator for for use during disasters, emergencies and training. The commission approved the agreement at the request of County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Kent Polsgrove at their regular meeting Monday...

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission approved an agreement with the Stoddard County Ambulance District (SCAD) for the ambulance district to provide personnel and vehicles to tow a portable generator for for use during disasters, emergencies and training. The commission approved the agreement at the request of County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Kent Polsgrove at their regular meeting Monday.

Polsgove said the "memorandum of understanding" with the ambulance district was necessary so that the portable generator could be utilized during disasters and emergencies. He said the EMA office had no vehicle suitable for towing the portable generator. He said new equipment and upgrades had been purchased for the trailer that transports the generator. He said the installation could be done at the SCAD office in Dexter.

"Is SCAD happy with it (the agreement)?" asked Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.

"Oh yes," responded Polsgrove, adding that SCAD management had looked it over and made suggestions to improve it.

Polsgrove said the generator can be utilized in any situation without the need for special connections. He said the portable generator had previously been utilized in response to a request from New Madrid County.

The agreement calls for the county to maintain the trailer tires, vehicle lighting system and to perform maintenance on the trailer. SCAD will provide an appropriate vehicle with the needed towing capacity and hitch. Also SCAD is to document towing expenses for reimbursement and the county will pay those towing expenses. He said the trailer needed to be used regularly, even if it is for test runs, to prevent dry rot of the tires.

Both Mathis and Commissioner Danny Talkington said they had vehicles that could be used for the test runs.

Polsgrove said the county EMA would at agreements with other emergency agencies in the county who could also utilize the generator and equipment. He said some training would be offered on the use of the equipment once the new equipment has been installed.

He than asked if he needed commission approval each time the generator is used for training.

"You are the EMA director, so you take care of it," said Mathis.

Commissioner Carol Jarrell made the motion to sign the agreement with SCAD, and it was seconded by Talkington. It passed by a 3-0 vote.

In other business, the commission approved a county resolution to "establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for certain officials."

County Clerk Joe Watson said the code of ethics resolution has to be passed every two years.

The resolution states that "proper operation of government requires that public officials and employees be independent, impartial and responsible to the people; that government decisions and policy be made in the proper channels of the governmental structure; that public office not be used for personal gain; and that he public have confidence in the integrity of its government."

The document then lays out requirements for officials concerning conflicts of interest and disclosure reports.

Watson said that he, as county clerk, and the presiding commissioner (Mathis) are considered the chief administrative and purchasing officers for the county, so that had to complete a disclosure by May 1, 2015.

Watson said the code of ethics was taken from state acceptable recommendations.

Jarrell made a motion to adopt the resolution, and it was seconded by Talkington. It passed by a 3-0 vote.
