Statesman Staff Writer
BLOOMFIELD -- Although the Bloomfield Board of Aldermen have regularly met twice each month, the tentative decision has been made to meet once a month, for the time-being.
Alderman Kim Johnson explained that meeting once each month has actually been a more efficient way of doing business.
"The way things have been going, meeting once a month, we're all in better contact with the different department supervisors and getting things worked out before the meeting," Johnson explained. "So, we don't table as many issues and actually get more accomplished."
Johnson said there are no immediate plans to change the city code, which would be necessary to make meeting per-month a regular thing.
"We're just going to continue to do things this way and see how things go," she remarked.
The board approved the next two meeting dates as: Monday, Jan. 12th, and Tues. Feb. 17th.
In other board news, it was decided that the city of Bloomfield offices will close at 3 p.m., on New Year's Eve and be closed on New Year's Day. Offices will re-open on Jan. 2.
The board also heard a report concerning the retaining wall, which is all that remains of the former Bloomfield Police Station. The board was informed that the wall is structurally sound and could be used as part of the construction of a new public library; however, it will need some work on its surface if it is decided that the wall be used.
The board has not yet approved any official plans for construction of the new library, and, therefore, has not taken any bids concerning the retaining wall.
The board also decided to make a couple purchases for the Bloomfield Water Department. The board was informed, after a visit from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), that the department must accurately keep track of any chemicals that may get added to the water supply. As a result, the board approved the purchase of a weight scale for the purpose of weighing large drums of chemicals. The cost of the scale is $1,319.
The board also approved the purchase of a meter that would enable the water department to measure the amount of backwash in the system. It was explained that having a meter would help cut waste and cost. The price of the meter is $1,470.