At a special meeting of the Dexter R-XI Board of Education this week, the Board approved a proposal from Missouri School Boards Association representative Dr. Jerry Waddle for MSBA to provide services in finding Dexter's next school superintendent. Last month, current Superintendent Dr. Tom Sharp announced his July 1 resignation as he envisions relocating closer to his children and grandchildren.
Waddle included in his proposal to the Board that the use of multiple surveys would be instrumental in narrowing the field of expected candidates. He will provide Board members with survey questions to assist them in determining criterion such as leadership style, academic training, personnel skills, and personal/professional character. The Board will also be asked to identify strengths of the district, areas of concern to be addressed, and visionary goals to pursue.
Waddle also proposed, and the Board agreed, that he should provide the employees of Dexter Schools and community members an opportunity to complete a survey to assist in establishing search criteria.
He will be conducting an open invitation to participate in the survey for District employees on Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014, at 3:40 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. He will conduct a similar meeting later on that same day at 5:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria for community members who would like to weigh-in on the selection process. For those who would like to fill out a survey but will not be able to attend their respective meeting on Dec. 18, a copy of the survey can be picked up at the superintendent's office and returned there upon completion, due on Dec. 18.
As Waddle explained to the Board, his services include (1) developing the needs assessment by compiling all the survey responses and building consensus among Board members as to desired traits and abilities; (2) recruiting candidates through electronic advertisements, the publication and mailing of brochures, and personal contacts; (3) the initial screening and evaluation of candidates -- Waddle will review all applications and evaluate their matching of criteria , but the Board will receive all original submitted packets for their perusal as well; (4) scheduling of interviews for finalists, based upon availability of the Board members; (5) providing interview protocol training and instrumentation. Waddle stressed that he would not be present for the interviews; the decision of whom to employ will remain solely with the Board of Education.
The timeline tentatively agreed upon is as follows:
Dec. 17 -- officially open position for application
Dec. 18 -- conduct focus groups
Jan. 14 -- application deadline
Jan. 22 -- February 7 -- dates set aside for interviewing finalists
Feb. 10 -- employ superintendent
Commenting on the selection of the MSBA search proposal, Vice-President Rick Williams stated, "The deciding factor was that our search coordinator for MSBA will be Dr. Jerry Waddle who retired from our district as superintendent. Dr. Waddle is well thought of and respected in the district; he is an individual in whom the district patrons will have a tremendous amount of confidence."