Wappapello Lake -- December 3, 2014: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Wappapello Lake will begin annual winter drawdown from recreation pool to conservation pool on December 15, 2014. In accordance with the water control plan, the pool is drawn down from 359.74 feet, referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), to 354.74 feet NGVD (five feet lower). Barring significant precipitation, the lake should reach conservation pool January 2015.
Conservation pool lasts until the beginning of April , which allows for additional storage of winter and spring precipitation. Beginning in early April, the lake level will be gradually raised until the recreation pool is reached in early May.
During conservation pool, boaters are urged to use caution when on the lake. Several shallow areas are present on the lake at this time. Mud flats and tree stumps may be exposed or are just under the water surface. To aid in navigation, the old river channel is marked with red and white vertically striped buoys from Wappapello Dam to Chaonia Landing. Between Chaonia Landing and Sulphur Springs there are nine "arrow signs" which help direct boaters in the direction of the river channel.
Persons with permitted floating duck blinds on the lake are also reminded to keep a watch on water levels, especially those in backs of coves or other shallow areas.
If you have any questions concerning the annual winter drawdown or other topics, please contact the Wappapello Lake Project Office at (573) 222-8562 or for lake information call toll free at 1-877-LAKE INFO (1-877-525-3463). You may visit us on the web at www.mvs.usace.army.mil/wappapello.